Crystal Cavern Geographic Location in Linibian States BT | World Anvil

Crystal Cavern

Part of the The Pits of Borelius, this cavern is unique in that it grows all manner of crystals, including rare and even legendary crystals throughout it's many rooms and tunnels. The cavern, really a system of caverns, is only accessible by passing through a substantial number of other dangers in the pits, and the dimensional flux in the region prevents any magical access. The entire system is filled with frayed and broken areas of The Weave, which combine with the dimensional flux, planar gaps, and other magical energies of this place make simply standing still a terribly dangerous activity. If one can somehow reach the correct room or hall, and survive the chaotic magic, planar energies, and any aberrant or monstrous creatures in the area, one can find magically infused crystals of all kinds, sufficient to trade for, or produce if one is so skilled, all manner of wonderous magical devices.
Cave System


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