The Pits of Borelius Building / Landmark in Linibian States BT | World Anvil

The Pits of Borelius

This strange landscape, a cluster of small peaks riddled with deep caverns and sudden falls, is known to be filled with great treasures from long ago. It is also inhabited by all manner of strange and incomprehensible creatures that do not belong in this reality. The area is poorly understood, and filled with traps and all manner of strange arcane dangers left over from the destruction of a major Riven Souls stronghold located here during the expedition known as Lak'Sha's Revel. The immense conflict and nigh cataclysmic clash of arcane energies involved in defeating this major stronghold, the second largest of the Korth Horde at the time, left the fabric of reality itself shattered and warped. That aftermath, along with remnants of the many powerful enchantments, as well as mundane defenses, created to support the stronghold make the region a place of incredible danger.

The original stronghold far predates the Korth Horde; while evidence is very scarce, it is believed that the original stronghold dates from the Dawn Times and the presence of the Riven Souls was much more archaeology mission than mere military presence. There was evidence, when the stronghold was conquered, that the Korth presence were desperately working to find something, something they were close to uncovering when they were defeated.

Battlesite / Battlefield


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