Karalterun Character in Linebound | World Anvil


Retribution of the dead.

"Once, a member of the Kekalat tribe stayed with my sevenfather. They told him a story of their tribe. It is a story we have adopted and tell to our children. Time is short, I will keep it brief. It begins with a series of skirmishes between the Kekalat and the Sadarthan tribes and leads to the Kekalat wiping out the Sadarthans. There were some in the Kekalat who spoke out against the action saying that it would anger the ancestors. They were right.   The ancestors were furious. My sevenfather was told that they came after the Kekalat. One lizardfolk, a spirit, scales white as a calm cloud, with eyes as red as blood. Karalterun is what they named it. It killed them one by one and the few survivors scattered. Not even those who had opposed the attacks were spared. The one my ancestor met told the story and not long after was killed by this spirit. My sevenfather witnessed it himself."

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Karalterun was not a large lizardfolk but could move in impossible ways, bending backward too far, and moving too fast to be seen.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Keralterun was born when the Sadarthan tribe was wiped out. The angry spirits took on a physical form and wiped out the Kekalat tribe. The life of the spirit was short and when all of it's quarry was killed, it was never seen again.


Keralterun had all the knowledge of the ancestral spirits of the Sadarthans.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Hunting down and killing every member of the Kekalat tribe to recieve an equal measure of revenge.

Failures & Embarrassments

The inability to advise their tribe to properly defend themselves, leading to their deaths. It is the duty of the ancestors to protect the living tribe and they failed.

Personality Characteristics


Revenge for the murder of their tribe.

Stub Article

This article is just a stub for now and will be expanded upon later.

Old Article

This article was written in the past and does not meet my current standards for any number of article quality, layout, or content.

In-Progress Article

This article is being worked on, perhaps not at this very moment, but it is being worked on.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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