Tree-Fiend Species in Lindrinor | World Anvil
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Tree-Fiend (Turi-Find)

The tree-fiend is a group of plant-like beings that were cursed a hundred thousand years ago, in The Last Battle  of the The Banishment War. The trees, shrubs, grasses and other plants of the region that is now The Barren Desert turned into horrid creatures after Amled, the Firstborn, cursed Aalak, the most powerful high mage at the time, for succesfully banishing the Undying's soul.

Basic Information


The tree fiends look a lot like ents, but each one of them has a particular morphology and trait. Some are imense figueiras with deadly elonganting and necrotic branches, while others are incredibly sagacious small shrub-like creatures.

Biological Traits

These are immortal creatures that scientists don't even consider it living.

Genetics and Reproduction

They do not reproduce sexually, for they only desire and need is eat flesh. When they die, they leave scattered branches that grow into more tree-fiend clones.

Growth Rate & Stages

A tree-fiend branch can grow up into a functioning adult in a single 24 hours day.

Ecology and Habitats

Their habitat is the Barren Desert, in which you can find an article of it's own in this one.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The only need and habit that these creatures possess is to eat living flesh. Since they can't find much of it in the Desert, they often invade the territory of the Dul Amarath's dwarves. They don't really like eating dwarves, since they don't really have lots of meat, but sometimes they'll just have to do.

Biological Cycle

Time does not affect the tree-fiend.

Additional Information

Social Structure

They live and hunt for flesh alone. Through all eternity.


Try to domesticate a tree-fiend and you'll probably get eaten.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The tree-fiends leave necrotic essence when they die, along with a tree-fiend's heart. These items can be used on scroll-writing and alchemy, respectively.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Barren Desert

Average Intelligence

Most tree-fiends are a little bit smart, but some can be incredibly inteligent creatures, even more so than halflings and elves.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The tree-fiend, like all aberrations that roam the Barren Desert, can sense the presence of the living.
Scientific Name
There are no scientific classification because the scientific community doesn't even consider tree-fiends as "living" creatures.
Infinite, or until Aalak's Curse is lifted.
Conservation Status
The tree-fiend is definetly not extinct. Hundreds of them roam the Barren Desert and you may be the one that's gonna be extinct should you ever cross a tree-fiend.
Average Height
Their highspan is 0,01 m - 100m
Average Weight
Their weightspan is 0,1 kg - 10000 kkg
Geographic Distribution


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