Human Species in Like Clockwork | World Anvil


Arguably the most prevalent and varied race in the world, humans measure their history from the Cataclysm , though it is agreed that they existed in the prehistory before that event. Adaptible and hardy—only the Aresh-Nördemark has proven too difficult to permanently settle—humans can be found in all corners of the world, most recently exploring the lands once inaccessible under the tempest.

Humans are among the most shortest lived of the sapient races and this often surfaces as unfettered ambition and daring action. Many seek to create a lasting history for themselves through great deeds, innovation, or in the founding of an institution. They are social creatures and tend to congregate into towns or cities.

Basic Information


Humans are medium-sized, bipedal humanoids that have carved their civilizations across the five continents outside of Ehlum. They share the traits common to all humanoids, such as language (due to advanced vocal chords) and culture, a forward set pair of eyes and faces capable of displaying a wide range of emotion.

Their teeth and jaws are suited for an omnivorous lifestyle, with cutting teeth in front and grinding teeth in the back. Opposable thumbs allow for greater manual dexterity and expanded tool use, relative to other creatures.

Humans exhibit sexual dimorphism and male humans are usually larger than female humans. They are generally stronger, but this is usually a result of societal norms rather than any literal potential. Neither gender outstrips the other in any mental or emotional capacity.

Biological Traits

Even within the five Empires, humans come in a variety of ethnicity, most with origins that are lost to time. Their appearance ranges widely. Skin pigmentation can be deep ebony or ghostly pale and anything in between. Eyes of brown or blue are most common, though green eyes are not unheard of. Their hair can be curly or straight, along a wide spectrum of brown, from nearly black to almost yellow. They are generally 5 to just over 6 feet tall and weigh anywhere from 100 to 250 pounds. Males tend to be larger on average and often grow facial hair.

Genetics and Reproduction

The majority of humans can be biologically divided into two genders, male and female. Humans reproduce sexually and are vivaporous, meaning they give birth to live young. Female humans carry the fetus for an average gestational period of 9 months. Offspring traits are determined through the reception of genetic material from their parents, generally presenting the dominant gene for any particular trait.

Growth Rate & Stages

Infancy consists of two stages, the newborn stage followed by the toddler stage. Together, this period lasts for approximately two years with the initial newborn stage generally taking up less than a quarter of that time.

The next three years are considered early childhood. During this time, humans learn languages at an accelerated rate and begin to pick up on cultural norms. During this period, they gain a sense of independence and begin to understand observable concepts such as the passage of time, space, or distance.

Middle childhood lasts until the child is somewhere between 10 and 13 years old. During this period, gnomes gain an understanding of their place in the world while learning a variety of academic and practical skills.

Adolescence spans the bulk of a human's teenage years and is marked by several physiological changes such as growth spurts and sexual maturation. This period also marks serious consideration of more abstract concepts, such as love, freedom, fear, and death. During this stage, humans tend to seek instances of total independence from their family units while forming stronger bonds with peers.

Socially, humans are considered adults on their 16th birthday. Physiological changes often continue for a few years after, but humans are almost always fully mature by their 21st year. From this time until they are around 35, humans tend to retain a youthful appearance and exuberance for life. However, they can remain at their physiological peak through their 50s, especially if they manage their health. That said, most find their level of activity reduced and a fondness for food and drink which tends to add up to an additional 20% to the average weight. This is the time in a human's life where they are expected to operate as individuals in their society, however, inexperience often leads to poor choices or involvement in dangerous activities. They can often change vocations during this time and experiment with a variety of relationships, seeking a foundation for stability.

The next twenty years are considered the prime of life. By this time, experience and accomplishments have lead most humans to their 'place' in life and society. They have often settled into a vocation, a relationship, and a routine. Humans also tend to experience accelerated aging during this time. Hair begins to grey or whiten, baldness occurs, and the toll of emotions and weather cause sagging of the skin.

The last years of the average human's life, or late adulthood, is marked by a transition from an active routine to a preparation for death. Organic systems begin to degrade quickly, and poor habits throughout a lifetime will manifest results during this period. The upper life expectancy of human is 85 years, though there are some instances of humans living as long as 100 or more years.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Humans are omnivorous and require organic sustenance to fuel their activities. A variety of animals and plants can be consumed by humans, requiring caution against poison, spoilage, and disease.

Modern farming and fishing practices have freed humans from food gathering activities.
Scientific Name
Phu'hou hyoongh
/pʰʌŋ ˈhansaː hjɛŋ/
85 years
Average Height
Male 5'9" (4'10" +2d10 inches)
Female 5'4" (4'5" +2d6 inches)
Average Weight
Male 150 lbs (120 + x2d4 lbs)
Female 115 lbs (85 + x2d4 lbs)
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Human

Cover image: Kealaphus World Map by Kay Fullmer


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