The Order of The Verdant Soul Organization in Ligreida | World Anvil
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The Order of The Verdant Soul

An ancient order that had once been prominent in the early years of Helathen, mixed from militant souls and scholarly figures, fell out of grace and use for a few centuries, until being revived by Anassa Orator Tatiana Delilah Dedassel Reinhart von Bereven III in 1526. While once they were lofty protectors of the Great Tither Tree, they have been reformed into a militant peacekeeping force throughout Tithera, her lands and the lands of her allies.


  • Overseer: Anassa Orator Tatiana Delilah Dedassel Reinhart von Bereven III
  • Leader: Archousa Leshanna Reinhart von Bereven of Tithera (Wood Elf, Female)
  • Second: Chiliarch Diomedes Matsouka (Minotaur, Male)
  • Third: Yostratigos Eranthis Zafeiriou (Centaur, Agender)
  • Fourth: Syntarchis Linos Kouris (Centaur, Arren Cybattis)
  • Fifth: Dekaneas Iason Thanos (Minotaur, Male)

Public Agenda

  • Keep the peace through Tithera and her lands
  • Assist in peacekeeping efforts through Tithera and her allies
  • Keep the lands clear and tidy
  • Repatriate deceased comrades to their homes
  • Ensure the safe burial of the fallen


  • A standing military force of over 1000 active souls
  • A keep in each major settlement in Tithera
  • Silvered Weapons for all active combatants


Originally set up around 950 CT, the goal of the Order of the Verdant Soul was to protect Tithera and, as a greater part of it, the Great Tither Tree. Given the Great Tither Tree is presumed to be the daughter of Denryas, its protection was paramount.
However, as time grew, this Order slowly waned in power, until by 1120 CT, only a core group of five remained.

In 1526 CT, the current Anassa Orator revived the Order and drafted a great many militant and scholarly souls to enable the Order to fulfill its role.

I zoí apó to prásino (Life from the green)

Founding Date
Civilian, Knightly Order
Parent Organization

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