Nemesis Rendakis Character in Ligreida | World Anvil
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Nemesis Rendakis

Polemarchos Nemesis Ghostborn Rendakis

Left as a baby at the steps of the Temple of Tyrlus that resides near the summit of Mount Cratos, taken in and raised by the priesthood who called her Ghostborn, for none could ascertain from what created her, so a spirit seemed just as likely.

As she grew, she showed an aptitude for violence and an unnatural resilience. She made a habit of choosing a figure and not resting until they had beaten them in single combat. After that, she would find a new target and begin again. A focused mind, they were intent on proving themselves. From this, she earned another Name - Nemesis.

Taught in the nature of Tactics, warfare and strategy, Nemesis excelled in all of them, though they openly admitted they were not a scholar. They saw themselves as a far more practical individual, but understood that even the most practical individuals looked to the keenest of minds for assistance. She eventually joined the Tyrata Armed Forces, fought in many of the minor skirmishes lead by Tyrata and raised, eventually, to the rank of Lokhagos by the time of the 1593 Battle of Kadmur Pass; the battle that claimed the then incumbent Polemarchos Talios.
With the previous leader dead, a fresh Triadok was undertaken. While known as a brutal combatant, the odds had not been stacked in their favor when the Triadok occured. Yet they prevailed through a tense, heavy trial and earned the right of Polemarchos. By earning this right, they were accepted into the House of Rendakis and aligned as one of them.

Polemarchos Nemesis Ghostborn Rendakis has ruled with an iron fist ever since, looking to rise the power of Tyrata and elevate her people.

[[Only included if they survive Mavros Cycle]]
Nemesis has endured, much to the surprise of all in Tyrata. She claims that she will endure until a worthy succesor rises, by Tyrlus' will. When the Lerieras of Tyrlus attempted to invoke their ritual action against Tyrants, they found themselves supernaturally stopped. Apparently, Tyrlus wishes them to endure for a while longer.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Nemesis is at the peak of personal fitness, and maintains this state frequently with constant training.

Identifying Characteristics

Is covered in simple, blue tattoos. In times of battle or war, their skin and markings are made more visible by the application of ash from a fireplace and crushed blue powder.

Apparel & Accessories

Unlike her contemporaries, Nemesis rarely if ever wears armour. They find it far more freeing and makes them more deadly on the battlefield. Thus they only tend to wear a leather battle skirt, and a loose, open vest in times of cold weather. This is not because she feels the cold, but because it is a thing that people do.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Nemesis was educated by the Tyrata Temple of Tyrlus, in all matters from Warfare to Tactis to Leadership. Had she not been bound for the path of leadership, she might have become a High Priest of Tyrlus. While she can speak three tongues, and write in them, her handwriting is faltering and her spelling in Common and Modern Hellanic is either sloppy or takes time to write up.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Earned the Rank of Hoplite by 22
  • Earned the Rank of Lokhagos by 26
  • Earned the Rank of Polemarchos by 27

Failures & Embarrassments

She was, despite being raised by the Temple of Tyrlus her entire life, considered to be Xenos until she gained the rank of Hoplite.

Morality & Philosophy

Nemisis is stoic figure, despite their taste for warfare, only bursting into rage when antagonized or threatened. Although she is sometimes prone to rage when fighting, she almost always manages to regain control of herself before doing any personal damage. She believes that while innocents being harmed is a consequence of war, she does not think wanton harm is necessary.

Personality Characteristics


Initially, they were motivated out of a strong desire to fight. Now they are motivated to lead their City State into the best possible form they can be.

Virtues & Personality perks

As a manner of balancing themselves, Nemesis makes sure to surround themselves with advisors that excel in areas she does not. She also makes sure to include advisors she disagrees with, because hearing a differing view point does a person good. This is a virtue previous leaders lacked.

Vices & Personality flaws

Nemesis has a great addiction to Adrenalin rushes, and it is rumoured she will seek them by any costs in periods outside of war.


Family Ties

Nemesis has many concubines, though her favourite is Tagaria, a Stoneblood Goliath like herself.

Nemesis has one daughter, Lysagora.
Lysgora would go on to marry Konig Ludwig Tramburg I of Korbal, strengthening their alliances with the nation.

Lysgora's child, Elspeth Tramburg, would become Queen, as would Elspeth's child, Helena Tramburg I.

Religious Views

Nemesis considers Tyrlus as their cheif deity worthy of worship.

Social Aptitude

Nemesis stands tall, with her head bowed slightly when she is around others. While not a woman of many words, and not particularly charismatic, she still has a presence about her.


They move with great purpose, every gesture and every movement deliberate.


Nemesis has a deep voice, typical for her race, and speaks with simple terms and phrases. Given that she cannot stand ostentatious behaviour, this is unsurprising.
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Year of Birth
1566 CT 34 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Unknown, presumed unwanted
Current Residence
The Great Tyrata Stadium
Pale Blue
Long, braided, raven black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale grey, made a paler by ritualistic Ash
266 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Giant, Common and Modern Hellanic, though sometimes faltering on the last two.

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