Girokti, Goddess of the Earth and Agriculture Character in Ligreida | World Anvil
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Girokti, Goddess of the Earth and Agriculture

One of the five Children of Seiropia, Girokti holds her domain over all that is, and grows from, the earth. The very will of their mother, they guide their followers to forge their own path, while nurturing all that is living about them, preventing unnecessary destruction to the growth about them. For this reason, the beings that give most of their blessings to Girokti are often farmers, druids or the ancient order of Paladins, Guardians of the Green, who praise the earth mother and beg of her to grant them a bountiful harvest. It’s become cultural practice to praise Girokti at meal time, thanking the founder of the feast.

Girokti is most often depicted as a Silver Dryad covered in strings of ivy, plants and grass blooming at her touch.

Divine Domains

Primary: Nature
Secondary: Life

Holy Books & Codes

The Earthen Scroll, containing all the teachings of Girokti

Divine Symbols & Sigils

All followers of Girokti carry their symbol of a blooming rose entwined with a sheaf of wheat.

Their priests often wear brown robes, with sashes of hessian and pouches of seeds.

Tenets of Faith

  • You are unique, keep that safe
  • Nurture all that grows
  • Prevent unnecessary destruction
  • Aid those in the harvest that need it


The Autumn Harvest - 28th day of Kynios
As the Harvest arrives, settlements and people come together to complete the process. Kings, Speakers and Warlords will often set aside their position to assist in this harvest, and is seen as the celebration that allows all to work as one. As the evening draws close, feasts are made and tables set at the center of the settlement, so everyone can eat together. At each step of this celebration, people give praise to Girokti.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Girokti Aganippe
Girokti Chloe
Girokti Europa

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