Succubus Species in Life After Moonrise | World Anvil
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Of the three kitsune speaches, the Succubus is the lover. They can be among the most dangerous. Their abilities allow them to see into the dreams and minds of their targets. They can influence others' thoughts, a weak form of mind control that comes across akin to a jedi-mindtrick. They draw power from others by consuming their life force. Even in small amounts, this will take years off their victims' life and soon cause health complications associated with an older person.

Basic Information


The Succubus is the best of the three kitsune species at holding their human form. This is often attributed to the lives they've drained. Some believe they take more from their victims than years. Although limited by their age, their tails, the lives they consume leave an impression, they have abilities seemingly ahead of their age. Perhaps the greatest of these gifts being insight and experience. They can focus better to hold their form, and better understand their victims than anyone else.   The ability to drain life force is a way to accruse magic and power, but it's not an outright replacement for eating. They can go without taking lives, though they cannot live a life without sustenance outright. Draining a life can enhance their own, although it cannot completely heal injuries, it will prevent their death from those injuries. The draining requires physical contact, typically a more significant form, a kiss or the full contact of a hand. Intimacy, a willing victim, a lover, can accelerate the process.   Although the life draining ability is the most well known, it is not their most frequently used. Most of the succubi rely on their power over dreams and the mind more than anything else. By entering another person's mind, they are able to manipulate them, learn their secrets, please them, or torment them. In the realm of sleep, they have complete power. This extends so far as to prevent a victim from waking naturally. If they so choose, they can remain in a dream, and trap someone there. It will require a significant external influence to wake the sleeper. For a younger kitsune, this could be a loud sound or a physical jarring. For a nine-tailed kitsune, nothing short of significant medical intervention would wake them so long as the kitsune intervened.   That is the most significant element here. The kitsunes are neither awake, nor asleep when invading dreams. They can sustain conciousness for longer, function longer without deterioration in this state, but it is not limitless. The kitsune will eventually tire and lose their hold on the dream. They are unable to force someone to sleep either. Chemical involvement, like high levels of caffeine that prevent a good night's rest can similarly interfere in their ability to remain asleep.   Their final ability is mental influence. This stands in contrast to the typical mind control seen in vampires. The effect does not require eye contact, but it is lesser. A succubus could at most command someone to remain stationary a few moments, open a door, or another simple action. It is akin to a Jedi Mindtrick. It is fast, it is simple, and it is effective. The age of the kitsune is a factor in it. Younger kitsunes create weaker compulsions, though even in the case of an older kitsune, a victim may resist if they know or believe it's coming. Awareness of the kitsune and its abilities can interfere in this ability.   Most mental influences are done in small, subtle doses over time. A small word here and there that they gently suggest is fact. In the course of days or weeks, a bold-faced lie can be made fact in the mind of a victim. They can embed a compulsion or repetitive behavior.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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