Inky Character in Life After Moonrise | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. Inky)

An alien creatured discovered aboard the Draugr.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

When first discovered, Inky had the appearance of a liquid-spider. It's body was dark, like Ink, with eight almost tentacle like legs. It can often be found in other forms, such as a snake-like band curled around Kyoko's leg. Upon returning to Earth, it has taken on a more feline appearance, looking like an inky, six-legged jaguar or panther.

Special abilities

As a machine, or something very machine-like, Inky is able to interface with all forms of machinery. He can interface with computers, the internet, wireless systems, radios, and more. He's demonstrated some measure of ability to hack and control whatever he finds with relative ease. Physically, he's able to shape shift and take on many forms.   Critically, he is weak to acids and fire. Most other attacks will do nothing more than temporarily incapacitate him.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Almost nothing is known about Inky's history. He was first discovered about the Draugr. He appears to exhibit some traits of a pet, an eager and helpful creature. Upon his discovery, he's remained with Kyoko Sumida and acted to defend her. These actions are not necessarily clear at the time. During the return to Earth, he forced IGS Icarus to land on the moon, rlather than risk falling out of orbit.

Intellectual Characteristics

Inky displays seemingly animal-like behavior. It comes close for warmth and protects Kyoko Sumida as if it were a guard dog. At the same time, it has advanced knowledge of alien technologies and is able to readily interface and control them for its own ends. There is some belief that it is programmed to mimmick animal behavior, while retaining the utility of a far more advanced creature.




Towards Kyoko Sumida


Kyoko Sumida


Towards Inky


Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Inky seems able to read, listen to, and understand any language it encounters. Despite this, it has not communicated back in anything more complex than barking, shoving, and pushing others.


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