Duchy of Anthalia Organization in Levantis | World Anvil
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Duchy of Anthalia


In the southeastern corner of Middenland lies the Duchy of Anthalia, a powerful maritime trading power. It is one of the largest and most powerful of the Duchies of Middenland due to its extensive trade. Its location along the coast of the Gulf of Gaspari is near perfect, and it dominates the trade there almost as much as the Sulvari, who strangely leave them alone.   Its capital Corasonne is built on the old capital of the Celeste Empire, and it is the largest and most important city in Middenland with a population of nearly 400.000. Indeed, many would tell you that Corasonne is the center of the world. Admittedly most of those have not seen any of the other continents, but it does underline its grandness. Situated on a grouping of well over 200 small islands, it is a city consisting of innumerable canals, bridges and aqueducts. The introduction of steam power and the resulting industrialization has caused a booming of the economy here as well as new improvements such as the production of many cast-iron aqueducts for increased transport within the city.  


The Duchy of Anthalia is incredibly rich and its leading house, House Orario, especially so. As a result they are very influential within the political environment of Middenland. Duca Ferando Orario, head of House Orario, loves to throw lavish banquets where all the commercial elite are present and he forges new deals and alliances. Due to its extensive trade, the capital is also home to the headquarters of several Guilds such as The Ember's Gift, the Order of the Staff and The Sea Serpent's Step. It is also home to Kyneth's Institute for Magical Research and Education which was built in the time of the Celeste Empire (hence it is sometimes called the Celesian Academy). All in all this, makes Anthalia, and especially Corasonne, an economic, cultural and intellectual superpower. While living within Corasonne, one might even forget about the difficulties the rest of the region is facing as a result of the previous centuries of conflict. This wealth however is also a reason that nearby factions look with unease towards Anthalia and are not as willing to deal with them if it leaves Anthalia even more powerful. While few recognize it, this is a troubling development as Anthalia could not withstand conflict with multiple factions at the same time.   As trade is the lifeblood of Anthalia, their relationship with the Sulvari who roam the Gulf of Gaspari is of vital importance. Somehow, Ferando has managed to broker a very lucrative trade deal with the Sulvari, along with a deal for 'protection'. As such, ships flying the flag of Anthalia never get boarded by Sulvari and they have a good trade route set up for import from and export to the Khuagawa Tetrarchy.  


(See also Middenlanders for general sentiments of the region.)
Currently Anthalia is experiencing the start of what could become a golden age. Its trade has caused an extreme influx of wealth in the region, while the advancement of the metalworking industry has caused manufacture to flourish. This wealth has lead to some political unrest as rich merchant families try to attain more and more influence within the legislative body of the duchy. Ferando Orario has given concessions to the more powerful of these families to keep them loyal and in line, but so far he has retained a strict control over the military as well as the final say in any decision. These influential families, also called the 'Patriori' have monopolized the political offices of Anthalia. They exercise some power within the judicial system, and from among their leaders is formed a council of twelve individuals that is responsible for espionage and counterespionage. Through these positions, they have attained some influence on the diplomatic and financial administration. House Orario however still holds the most power and has its own organizations for espionage and state security.   Below the 'Patriori' is the class of the regular citizens, who do not hold political power, but can be part of the civil service. However, the majority of the citizenry are laborers, shopkeepers, artisans, entrepreneurs and seamen. Civic spirit within the citizenry is high however, as live is relatively good within the Duchy and even laborers have a decent standard of living. The wealth has also lead to increased investment in education, especially the studies of humanities and the natural studies. Physics, medicine, astronomy, logic, law, rhetoric and philosophy are studied extensively and dominate intellectual life within Anthalia.   The economical development has also allowed for increased patronage of the arts as well as improved literacy rates. This has lead to an increase of high culture, especially within Corasonne. Much of the sculptures and architecture are funded not just by the merchant families, but also by the government and House Orario. Their patronage has lead to civic pride, but part of the works also serve towards propaganda to maintain loyalty towards House Orario. After all, it is under House Orario's rule that the region has prospered, so why should anyone want to take power away from them?  


The military of Anthalia is split into two different elements. The 'Oriori' or the regulars, are the soldiers that are drafted from its populace. Technically everyone has an obligation to serve when called upon, but only a fraction of the population is active at any given time. The 'Extriori' or extraordinaries are the mercenary part of its military, which make up a large part of its naval forces. Anthalia's military efforts have been focused on its navy to expand and protect its trade routes.  

Coat of Arms

The coat of arms of Anthalia is a slanted, blue sea set against a bright yellow background. Central is an ondoyant emerging sea serpent in green. Above it is a light blue trident set against the yellow background with a green laurel wreath in its twines.

No spice without peace.

Geopolitical, Duchy
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Controlled Territories
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