Cadena Archipelago Geographic Location in Levantis | World Anvil
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Cadena Archipelago

The Gulf of Gaspari is the sea body between Middenland and the southern desert. Located in this gulf, approximately between Middenland and the desert, is a chain of islands known as the Cadena Archipelago. These scattered islands vary in massively in size, Cordena being the largest of them. It consists of roughly three dozen islands of varying sizes. Due to their close proximity to each other and their irregular edges, they look somewhat like a group of clouds, thus having earned the nickname The Sky Below by the native inhabitants, the Sulvari. The islands experience warm temperatures all year round, but also strong winds and heavy downpours.

The archipelago lies along the equator and its oceanic climate is relatively even year-round with moderate to warm temperatures, but strong winds and downpours during the wet season. The one exception being the Time of Storms, the first ten days of summer, when a terrible storm crosses over the central sea. There are only two seasons, the wet and dry season, and the people have adjusted to them. The terrain varies from more tropical, to rugged scrubland depending on how vulnerable the particular island is to the strong winds that plague the area.
Alternative Name(s)
The Sky Below
Related Ethnicities
Inhabiting Species

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