Stone Shore

With all this wealth pouring into our coffers and news of our development spreading to foreign lands, cooperation and peaceful relations between all of us remains of utmost importance. Envy is growing in the hearts of our neighbours. Let us ready ourselves to endure whatever onslaught might await us.
— Anonymous letter to the Duke of Vivelden
  The Stone Shore is a prosperous region that stretches from the State of Dirth’ela to the western borders of the Duchy of Alden. Inhabited primarily by the Renish, Kirrenish, and the Sehenians, the region has known its fair share of turmoil, but recent industrial and mercantile developments have enriched the land immensely. The various nations that inhabit the region aren’t always on amicable terms with one another, and the emergence of Baglāmēq Hūril has contributed to raised tensions.  

Economic Developments

Much of the recent wealth that has entered the region can be attributed to the establishment of reliable trade routes that connect the Stone Shore with the rest of the world. The creation of the Kingdom of Enliten enables the flow of trade through their ports, allowing merchants to cross the Kláv safely, instead of taking the perilous journey around the Enlitic peninsula, which almost always ends in tragedy. Now goods from abroad can be shipped into one of Enliten’s southern costal settlements, usually Halikel or Lotwerstá, and from there they can be transported overland into Valskaen, where they will then be loaded on ships and sent forth to the Stone Shore.  

The Old Routes

Before the establishment of the Enlitian route, merchants from the Shore had three main options for travel. The southern route went through the lands of the Exalted Republic of Helendriel and the Sehenian People and its safety and sustainability relied heavily on the generosity of its inhabitants. For a while it was the preferred route for most merchants, but following Cherendel‘s capture of Dirth'ela, relations soured and dangers arose.   There was also the option of ignoring Helendriel and making the journey straight through the Central Plain, a vast grassland that lacked infrastructure and was fraught with marauding bands of ruthless mounted warriors. Even if wandering war-bands didn’t end a merchant caravan’s journey, the vastness of the land and a lack of maps could have put an end to them instead.   The final option was the passage northwards. It was, and still is, a fairly low-risk journey which, compared to the new route through Enliten, is far less lucrative. Merchants heading that way head through the various Saralian realms and the Federal Geniocracy of Ithelmark, lands that have little to offer to traders from the Stone Shore. Further along the path lies Athe, the Hillenēq Hūril seat of power. Despite religious differences, the theocratic government of Athe has granted safe passage to all travellers, but merchants of differing faiths are asked to pay hefty fees for the privilege. Once they’re past Athe, the world finally opens up to them in Alminthas and beyond.

Religious Division

The accumulation of wealth will lead to more squabbles and conflicts among our nations. It is inevitable.
— Iakopo Peteri Ulaccoi, Grandmaster of the Knights of Cullei
  Following the Ascension of Hillen and the rapid spread of the Hillenēq faith throughout the continent, nearly all of the Stone Shore adopted the religion. Prior to those events, the Pantheon of the Dawn had been the official religion, as the Stone Shore was under the control of the Imperium of Valhértis. The human inhabitants themselves, however, rejected the alcheni gods, instead keeping to their own local faiths, most of which have been lost to time.   Many of the Renish would have followed a religion similar to the Balicist faith practised in the Republic of Vivernia, as that's where their people originated from. Over in the northern parts of the region, the Kirrenish practised Haltjanism, often mixing the belief in nature spirits with their own unique local deities.   Only the Duchy of Alden has clung on to their ancient beliefs, largely due to their close relations with the Saralians. With the collapse of the Kingdom of Sarala, fears have risen in Alden and several prominent voices have demanded the dukes conversion in order to prevent the far larger Principality of Vell-Keira from enforcing Hillenism forcefully. Vell-Keira's government claims that they seek cooperation with Alden, despite their religious disagreements, and that mutual cooperation is welcome as long as the duchy respects the rights of religious minorities within their borders.    

Baglāmēq Hūril

Hillenēq Hūril

Baglāmēq Hūril
Organization | Aug 1, 2023

Baglamism is the second-largest branch of the Aprēan religion. Followers of the faith believe in the teachings of Tīr Bāglam, a mysterious man who sought to reform Hillenism.

Hillenēq Hūril
Organization | Jul 8, 2023

Hillenism is the largest branch of the Aprēan religion. Followers of the faith believe in the teachings of Hillen, the hero whose sacrifice saved the world from the Invasion.

The Stone Shore


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Dec 11, 2023 17:32 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I always love the amount of politics and history you pack into these articles. Makes it feel alive.

Jan 27, 2024 12:09 by Tara Fae Belle

Awesome article! I enjoyed reading about the trade routes (especially as that is something I often forget about)

My current passion is Shroom People. I still don't know much about them yet. But as I do, it will be updated here:
Shroom People
Species | Jul 10, 2024
~ Happy wording!
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