The Everstorm Building / Landmark in Lens | World Anvil
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The Everstorm

The wind and water over the massive harbor of Devil's Ante is experiencing a storm....forever. For all of living memory the waters have pitched and rolled with a certain violence, and travelers by ship are sometimes forced to choose between waiting for days at a time or finding another place to land up or down the coast.   History teaches that the storm arose after the bizarre explosion in Devil's Ante that occurred near the end of the last war. Definitely supernatural in origin, the Everstorm sometimes acts as a portal between the harbor and some other storm at sea. No one's dumb enough to sail into it when it's at its fiercest (anymore), but there are tales of ships caught up in particularly deadly weather who suddenly find themselves in the harbor of Devil's Ante. Whether their ship can stay together long enough for them to reach the docks is another story, however, as this phenomenon appears to be limited to when the storm is at its peak intensity.   Cross reference from Devil's Ante description:   The Everstorm, as it's come to be known, has some bizarre properties. When at its most violent, it seems to form a link with other storms out at sea, possibly with all nautical storms everywhere. Little is known except that the few vessels foolhardy enough to venture out into the harbor proper during especially fierce periods vanish whole. Even stranger, from time to time the storm will part to reveal a new vessel from some other location on the planet. There is no apparent rhyme or reason to these strange abductions, save that those of the crew that survive the passage describe having sailed into an ominous storm somewhere else on the planet. Distance seems wholly irrelevant to this property of the Everstorm, with vessels appearing from the opposite side of the continent or even further afield.
Alternative Names
The Churn,
Parent Location


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