Kelsey Thaurza Character in Lementia (Old) | World Anvil

Kelsey Thaurza

Kelsey Thaurza (incorrect)

Kelsey Thaurza is an adventurer and ally to the Northern Lights Adventuring guild. Originally working under the necromancer Melchior Thaurza (her supposed grandfather) she betrayed him mostly in order to save herself but in doing so came to find a new meaning in her life...something shes still not fully coming to terms with.   She is a brash foul mouthed girl who is generally rude to those around her, although she doesn't honestly mean most of what she says.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kelsey is fit but not particularly strong. Her arms are lithe, fast and well toned but she lacks the upper strength of stronger individuals.

Body Features

Kelsey has pale skin and sharp red eyes. Her hair is a similarly vibrant red color and is often tied back into a long ponytail to keep it out of her way.

Identifying Characteristics

Kelsey's back has a massive greenish scar along it, mimicing apparently made when she was a baby and the key to her early development as a magister.

Physical quirks

Kelsey tends to adopt a slack posture. Often leaning on her weapon or a nearby object. This gives her a somewhat slacker appearance as she doesn't seem particularly ready.

Special abilities

Kelsey is a talented earth magister but her real abilities come from both her necromancy and botanomancy.   While a necromancer Kelsey had a talent for siphoning the magics that animated her dead allies in order to sustain herself. Keeping herself going for long durations during a fight.   As a botanomancer she hasn't quite figured out a specialty although she has a knack for healing and similar abilities.

Apparel & Accessories

Kelsey appears in somewhat earthy

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kelsey was born to unknown parents sometime around 1201. Due to various clues (including her complexion and red hair) it is likely she was born somewhere in Edepar to the north of Redrille. As a baby her parents were killed by the Necromancer Melchior Thaurza and she was taken from them.   At this point it is unclear what happened to Kelsey but she was later taken in and raised by Melchior, told that he was her grandfather and she was raised and taught the practice of necromancy. Her magistry awakened at an extremely young age, likely due to an unknown medical procedure that was performed on her, leaving her back scarred with strange markings giving her a power over earth and making her the perfect candidate to be Melchiors apprentice.   During her time under the Necromancers care her powers grew as did her attitude. She became more and more jaded at the world around her, and as long as she didn't get directly in his way Melchior cared not for what the child did, seeing her as only a tool.   In the year 1207 Kelsey joined Melchior and his band of rogues on an attempt to capture the Time Magister Safiya Crowe, a woman Melchior had become obsessed with learning the secrets of immortality from. In the end Kelsey was captured by Crowe and after, a rather unorthodox interrogation, she ended up betraying her 'grandfather' and helping the town of Heyfield rid itself of the necromancer.   After this she started accompanying Safiya Crowe, Slobojayrber and Lorelei Reinzstrein on various adventures. Helping to redeem herself.   In Annwyn forest she met the treant Quercus who helped her unlock a new side to herself, teaching her Botanomancy, the magic of plants.


Kelsey prefers the company of girls.


Tutored by Melchior in magistry and necromancy.   Taunt Botanomancy by Quercus.


None, She does some work for the Northern Lights Adventuring Guild.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She is a talented magister and combatant, although shes trying to figure out a preference for fighting styles.

Failures & Embarrassments

Was captured relatively easily by the adventurers of the Northern Lights guild... she also swapped sides relatively easily due to having no real loyalty to Melchior.

Mental Trauma

Shes reserved, isolated and crude. Her personality can only be described at "thorny" and she tends to push others away.

Intellectual Characteristics

Shes smart but smarmy, tending to be a bit condescending when others don't catch on as quickly as her.
Year of Birth
1201 DE 13 Years old
Long Dark Red, ponytail
99 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages


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