Human Species in Lementia (Old) | World Anvil


Humans are the most common species on the planet of Jorra. Existing on all continents except the arctics they also tend to be the most numerous in all locations. They are fairly average across all major attributes but show a flexibility that other species lack improving their odds and allowing them to thrive in almost any environment.

Basic Information


The typical "Humanoid" species are named for sharing humans characteristics of two arms, two legs and one head. Most humans share the same basic characteristics of rounded ears and muscular frames. A notable exception to this would be the Marellians. While still human they feature thinner frames and slightly more angular features along with longer pointed ears than the reset of humanity.

Genetics and Reproduction

Humans reproduce through good ol fashioned sex. Offspring typically inherit traits displayed by their parents although traits can skip generations. For more info google genetics.

Ecology and Habitats

Humans exist on all parts of the Jorran continent.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Humans are omnivores capable of consuming both meat and vegetation and are healthiest with a mixture of both.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Male humans are typically taller, more rugged and with sharper features. They also have a tendency to grow more body hair including beards upon their faces.   Female humans are rounder with softer features and slightly shorter.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

All except arctic and antarctic

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Humans have excellent vision during the day with a wide variety of colors they can view. They have poor vision in the dark however and a bit average in the other five senses but aren't lacking any of them.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Human naming traditions are almost always based on the culture they come from.

Major Organizations

Humans typically organize themselves into governments, the most common of which are the feudal ones led by a single monarch of some sort. Although other types also exist.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Imperial: Those who speak the imperial language of Talan   Marellian: Those who speak the language of Marellia   Chimera: Those who speak the variety of chimeran languages of Narol.   Surinese: Thsoe who speak the native language of Surinor.

Human Racial Stats

Ability Score Increase Choose 1 Ability score to increase by +2 or two Ability scores to increase by 1. Y ou may only improve your cultural Ability by +1 (total +2).
Size Medium
Speed 30 ft.

  • Skilled: Humans tend to pick up unique skills and talents quickly. Pick one additional skill or tool proficiency at character creation.
  • Culture: Humans come from a wide variety of cultures and peoples across the lands. Pick one of the following to belong to. (Or talk with your DM to create a new one)

Languages. Imperial

Scientific Name
Homo sapiens sapiens
~80 years
Average Height
1.6-2.1 meters
Average Weight
55-90 kg
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Most humans skin color ranges from light pink to dark brown and the ranges in between although a few other mutations and varieties exist as well.   Most human hair comes in the colors brown, red, black, blonde and white with age.