Clejador Profession in Leland Peninsula | World Anvil
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Clejador (clay-ha-dor)

When he told me I would serve my sentence as his clejadora I was. . .confused. Clejadors haven't been widely used in centuries, but historically they were trusted advisors. I knew so little about reading auras that I just didn't understand how he could trust me enough to put me in that position. I still don't know how he trusts a word I say.
  Roughly translated from Irocran to mean "clear eyed servant", a clejador is a visaurant responsible for observing legal and other proceedings in order to provide a clearer view of the situation to his or her employer. This is most helpful in situations involving imperants and meloderes as the clejador would be unaffected by the use of Power of Persuasion or Power of Melody, but an experienced visaurant would be able to make judgements about any person based on the behavior of their aura.    Prior to the The Great Invasion, leaders in northern Leland usually had a clejador at their right hand. It was considered a position of honor and signified a strong bond of trust, making high-status clejadors as much a target for assassination as any other position of higher leadership. Clejadors of lower status usually served their community in some capacity or were hired by those that required their services for business or legal reasons.   At the beginning of the Queendom Period, clejadors remained common and their use began to spread south. Many of the Golden Noble Houses kept a clejador in their employ, and they often served in roles within the legal system and law enforcement. This period also saw the licensing of traveling clejadors, usually hired for a single event or purpose.   The wide use of clejadors was brought to a halt in the 574 when the paranoia of the Crown led to the declaration of all visaurants as enemies of the state. This was because the immunity to Power of Persuasion made them impossible to control, which meant they were most likely to lead a rebellion. All known visaurants were executed unless they fled to remote areas that turned a blind eye to the order. Clejadors continued to exist in the illicit trades, many blackmailed into serving crime lords lest their name be turned over to authorities.   Though the ban on visaurants was lifted with the fall of the Queendom, clejadors have not become widely utilized in the age of the Leland Confederacy, mostly due to the dwindling number of visaurants and a fear of persecution. Clejadors must be licensed unless a prior personal relationship exists between the clejador and the employer, but it is so expensive to hire one that it is cost prohibitive to all but the most wealthy individuals.
Alternative Names
subrullan (derrogative)
Demand is low, but the number of licensed clejadors is lower. Many would like to institute the role at all levels of the legal system if it were feasible.
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Generic article | Jul 29, 2022

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