Eternal of Sloth Character in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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Eternal of Sloth

One of Deos' first creations, at first, he was the hardest working of them all. When his father turned away from him, and to the lesser beings, he decided never again would he do unnecessary work. Now, with an entire cult at his disposal, he may never need to again.

Divine Domains

Sloth, and labor

Mental characteristics

Personal history

One of Deos' first creations. At first, a gold, and white being of perfection, and dedication. He watched as his younger siblings were created. Come time to create the Old World, he was the hardest working of all seven of them. Once the massive project was completed, he expected a time of rest that he would share with his father, and siblings. Instead, Deos turned his attention away from the yet-to-be-named Sloth, and all his siblings. When he saw just what his father was doing, a lesson was learned. Work earns you nothing. No matter how hard you work for someone, they will reject you as if you did nothing.   He instilled this in these lesser, younger creations as an act of rebellion against his father, and adopted the name of this sin. When Deos found out of what he and his siblings had done, his father cast them into the next realm. His first reaction was to take this as his time of rest. His siblings told him otherwise. They told him that his time of rest would come after they made a new world. Begrudgingly, he agreed, and aided in the creation of this now world, A world that would later be named Eternity. He and his siblings left this world to let it flourish on its own. When he returned, he saw that the same infestation that had replaced him on the Old World now walks his. Deos explained that the sin they had planted on the Old World ultimately destroyed it.   For nearly a thousand years, his siblings would try, and fail to cleanse their world. Ultimately, he would fall to one of these mortals. A draconin sorcerer who called himself Sprizen Akkamara cast him into the next realm. A realm in which his power doesn't exist. This doesn't bother him as much as it does his siblings, as now, he has his time of rest.

Gender Identity

The Eternals do not concern themselves with the concept of gender, or sex. However, he knows the masculine form he was made in, and refuses to change it.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He aided in the creation of two worlds. He helped create, and lead his own cult. He finally has his time of rest that in his mind was well earned.

Failures & Embarrassments

He fell at the hand of a far lesser being.

Personality Characteristics


After he learned that no matter how much work one does, it will not earn them the approval of those above them, his only goal was to have his time of rest.


For around six hundred years, he had his own cult to do his work for him.
Divine Classification
Infernal force
neutral evil
Current Status
Trapped in another realm where his power no longer exists.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
His name is his title.
Year of Birth
65000 B.A. 66005 Years old
Yellow-green, flaming
green flames
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
emerald green
varies based on desired height.
Aligned Organization


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Feb 4, 2024 05:55

this is even explained eternity.   at first i was kinda confused cause you did say there were 2 worlds but for the longest time i thought there was only one.   it might be a good idea to make a tl;dr of the history of eternity like you did here. im also going to re-read some of the stuff just in case you did write it and i looked over it.

Feb 4, 2024 06:15

Yeah, Once I complete the third age timeline, I'm going to make a timeline for the Old World that will explain it all in greater detail.   -N

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16