Eternal of Gluttony Character in Legends of Eternity: War of the Eternals | World Anvil
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Eternal of Gluttony

The fifth creation of Deos, with a strange, yet logical view of how to cleanse his world. On the Old world, he was responsible for creating the sustenance which the animals would require, and seeded a desire to over indulge in said sustenance. Soon, he too fell into the same desire, and that over indulgence turned his once perfect form into what it is today.

Divine Domains

The sin which he spreads around his cult, and the world is gluttony.

Tenets of Faith

To follow him, you must swear to fulfil the ultimate goal of the Eternals, and to never stop consuming.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

He, like his brothers, seek to cleanse their world of the mortal filth that has stained their world for over a millennia.

Physical Description

Body Features

He is the largest of all his siblings, with acid dripping from the opening in his midsection.

Facial Features

A skull, engulfed in dark green flames, and acid pouring from between his teeth.

Identifying Characteristics

He is identified by his large form, and acidic overflow paired with his flaming skull.

Special abilities

He wields his own magic, designed to cause suffering. Green flames, with spiked chains that lash out, and strike all who are unfortunate enough to have his gaze turned toward them. He gives this same power to those who follow his cult.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He was the fifth creation of Deos. After his other two siblings were made, he finally got to work. On the Old World, he made all things which provided sustenance. He had intended to keep the Old World inhabited by only animals, as they helped the world's environment function. When Deos made the dragons, draconin, brimbarians, and the rest, and saw how they were tampering with the balance he had made, he saw a need to put a stop to this, much like his brothers. If these beings desired to tamper with his balance, then tamper they will. He seeded a desire to compulsively consume, and not stop. They'd continue to do so, until sustenance itself no longer exists. The plan seemed strange to his brothers.  
"Yes, this method is... unorthodox. But one aspect of my previous design that is now clear to me. If you control the food, you control everything. You control who lives, and who dies."   -Eternal of Gluttony, to Eternal of Envy
  In corrupting the people of this world with this desire, he corrupted himself, and turned himself from a being of perfection, like his brothers all were, into a vast, dripping mass of bones, and thick, viscous acid. Like his brothers, he was banished to another realm. Once Envy had made his new plan known, Gluttony saw it as an opportunity to make another attempt at a perfect balance. Once again, he had made a perfect system, and spread it across all of their new world. He, and his brothers left this world to let it flourish on its own. After around three hundred years, they returned to see the same mortals that tampered with his perfect design now tamper with this one. He, like his siblings, tried to blame Deos for this. Deos told them how what they had done, how the sins they had implanted in the Old World caused it to slowly collapse. Deos' only option to save his creation was to instruct his last few dragons with the following: Gather what few good people were left, and with the aid of the other dragons, create a portal from the Old World, to the next.   He waited for most of his brothers to make their attempts before he made his. His previous plan on the Old World had failed, so he'd try something else. The same basic concept was used, but was much more precise, and was isolated to a single nation. Instead of causing the populace to needlessly consume, he would rather keep them from consuming, and would cause them to starve. He employed members of a cult that seemed to worship him. Their task was to cut off the population's food supply, and cause them to starve. He started in the dwarven nation of Midor. The mortals he'd employed came close to full control over the food supply, but were foiled by the dwarf constable named Aldrich Redstone.   When his siblings decided to destroy it all, and start over, he disagreed with the logic, but was forced to comply. Like his siblings, he was banished to yet another realm by the draconin sorcerer Sprizen Akkamara. In this realm, his power does not exist. He can only sit, and starve while he, and his brothers slowly fall into madness.

Gender Identity

The Eternals don't concern themselves with concepts like gender, or sex. That being said, the know the form they have given themselves, and do not intend to change it.


He, like his brothers, know all there is to know about the world they've created.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He was a part of the creation of two worlds, and aided in forming a cult for him, and his brothers.

Failures & Embarrassments

His entire design was ruined twice by inferior beings. Each time he tried to correct this, he was stopped. First by Deos, next by a dwarf.

Mental Trauma

"It was perfect! My design was calculated down to how many pedals on how many flowers. Yet, they found a way to destroy the perfection not once, but twice!"

Personality Characteristics


His end goal was the same as the end goal of his brothers. He sought to cleanse his world of the mortal infestation.


Family Ties

His brothers are the only "family" he has, and yet, in the pocket realm where he now sits, they are all trying to kill each other.


A deep, booming voice fills cult halls. The demanding presence of his voice is rivaled only by his brothers Wrath, and Envy.
Divine Classification
Infernal force
Current Status
Slowly descending into madness, and starving in a realm where his power doesn't exist.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
His name is his title. He is the Eternal of Gluttony, worshiped by the Children of the Eternals cult.
Year of Birth
60000 B.A. 61005 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Was the fifth creation of Deos
Green, flaming
varies based on his desired height.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"If you control the food... You control everything."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
In the seven hundred years he spent hovering over Eternity, he has learned all of Eternity's languages, and dialects.


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