Twelve Sisters Sector Geographic Location in Legends of Enoch | World Anvil
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Twelve Sisters Sector

Called the Twelve Sisters after the Twelve Sisters Xenocluster (xenoclusters are sometimes erroneously called astroclusters), of which 10 of the 12 "sisters" are located within this sector. Home to Beautiful of the Fringeworthy system.   Due to the number of systems - some rather profitable - that comprise it, it has become one of the most important sectors outside of Federacy Core space. In fact, the Twelve Sisters, home to Fringeworthy and gateway to worlds beyond the Alsakan Rift, has become a place of incredible concern to the @Federacy. It has many worlds, strategically positioned, some well resourced and possessing Precursor Sites. Political tensions are high as Federacy and Houses alike constant jockey for access and footholds in what could determine whether the Federacy remains unified, splits, or is fundamentally altered.   Twelve Sisters Map Data


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