2 - 1.3.1 - Heading Out Plot in Legends of Enoch | World Anvil
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2 - 1.3.1 - Heading Out

Leaving things in Good Order on Shailou

  • What happened to the bodies, brains, and people rescued? We talk 10/11 them into joining our very newly formed Psychic Academy in conjunction with the Minans (in fact, their our first recruits, so that's going to be interesting to see how the Minans handle that one...)
  • 10 / 11 join the “Academy”
  • Someone has done a Beautifully Devious job on Jimmy Fallon (the 11th)
  • Nora has one of her medical assistants handling the medical lab while she's gone

Glaa to Hub to shut down Black Sriracha (retcon insert) [2]

  • Render assistance to FedEx who has been given permission by Hub PDA to deal with the black sriracha
  • Glaa, Micha and her Marines lure Black Sriracha out from their hideout and capture them
  • Warbot in hideout, G does something spectacular to it which allows it to be held and it is neutralized from an overhead vessel.
  • Whatever she did really wiped her out mentally, when she returned to Shiloh she got a little better, Nora will have to help her figure out what the world went on
  • Apparently she combined her dragon and cyberpath powers perhaps, and was able to neutralize the warbot by creating a tree or bringing a tree back to life that was able to grab it. This drained her completely and Micha took her back to the vessel and then to Shiloh.

Heading Out [2 and 2b]

  • Professor X is coming along to Minos
  • What preparations above and beyond the Norm?
  • Happy Tree, Happy Me (Glaa and the AckAck Tree)
  • Visit by an Angel: Message of general support and hints of judgment against House Mori.

Living with a M7TH; Stopping the Bad Guy

  • Rory [3a - Curtis, Ann]
  • “Researches” various crew memebers
  • Rory agrees to join up with SIU
  • Oracle and Rory working together to make computer system VERY SAFE
  • In process of building a Better Computer system

Cyber fight against Argos Computer system [4a - Curtis]

  • Rory preps against 7R4C3 (Trace), a Cyberninja mercenary outfit eventually found out to be a Mori Group Dupe
  • Defeats them and warns against messing with Curiosity Alpha
  • Finds out that House Sendai is in Alliance with House Ra’ain

Argos Station [4b - Ann, Amelea]

  • Team locates Dr. Faucii
  • They almost walk into a well laid trap (Tatum’s nat -4)
  • Glaa spots the trap (Glaa’s nat +4)
  • Capture Dr. Faucii, who is now on ice


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