Efa ferch Hywel Character in Legendary Britannia | World Anvil
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Efa ferch Hywel

Dame Efa de Floodriver

The first female Knight in Salisbury.
Knighted by Sir Leo.
Daughter of the departed Sir Hywel.
Lady of Floodriver after her father's untimely death, Efa took a new and different path after knowing that her worth would always be measured in her lands. She became a knight with the help of Sir Reccared the Golden and Sir Leo Valerius, training in secret. Her only weakness was her love for Sir Jory mab Branoc, their tempesteous relationship causing Jory to flee to his ancestral lands of Brittany before making his peace with the role of his beloved.   Lady Efa stood against the tide of Saxons, her township becoming the centre of the reinforcements that could aide Sarum during the invasion of 502. At the Battle of Floodriver, she rode alongside Sir Ninian the Shirtless and his fellows into battle against Prince Cynric, Laghi Wulfscinn and Saexwulf the Fell, where they prevailed against all odds.
After lifting the Siege of Sarum, Efa became one of the fiercest supporters of the Table of the Motley, and even wed Jory when that knight returned.   She survived the Battle of Netley Marsh, but have been imprisoned by King Idres in Cornwall.  
Known for: First Female Knight in Salisbury, Horsemanship, Dance, Lance, Bow, Falconry
Glory: 8000

The Female Knight of Floodriver

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Current Status
Imprisoned by the The Kingdom of Cornwall
Current Location
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Year of Birth
478 AD 32 Years old
British Christian
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