The Baron's Plea Plot in Legacy of the Realms | World Anvil

The Baron's Plea

11 Marpenoth, The Year of Twelve Warnings (1494 DR)   Barony of Tanistan, Erlkazar    
"Without Elenore, I am a lion made a mouse." - Baron Henrik Rennet of Tanistan
    Early one autumn morning, Bruno the Battlebard, Nip'hto the Tiptoe, and Tanjarra Greysword each received a sealed letter from Baron Henrik Rennet requesting their presence immediately.   When they arrived at the keep in Five Spear's Hold, they were greeted by the baron's seneschal, Baudelaire, who escorted them to the meeting hall where they met the baron sitting upon a red velvet cushioned chair. A similar chair, albeit empty one, was next to the baron. Six other chairs were spaced out before the baron and the empty seat.   Baron Henrik Rennet ruled over the barony of Tanistan with his beloved wife, Elenore. However, the three adventurers would learn, after meeting the baron, that his beloved wife was missing. She had attended a masque at Count Lebrim Moldavia's estate, Moldavia Manor, two nights past. She was supposed to have returned last night but failed to do so. No word had arrived from the manor explaining her delay, nor was she known to be late for any event or journeys.   It was clear from the baron's disheveled appearance, in light of the baroness's assistance on proper decor when meeting with guests, that the baron was suffering from melancholy.   "I miss my Elenore terribly so," he said. "Without Elenore, I am a lion made a mouse."   To make matters worse, the baron and baroness lost their only child, their daughter Elisa, some eight months prior. She was traveling back from a visit with a friend when she and her retinue were attacked in a nearby village. Despite an attempt to prevent her kidnapping at the hands of bandits, Elisa was killed when an arrow meant for someone else struck young girl. Several of the bandits along with their leader, the outlaw bandit Hesgar Loren, managed to escape.   When Baron Rennet was asked why he didn't simply ask his personal guards to look into the matter, he said he personally knew and trusted in the three adventurers' skills and abilities to ensure that his wife would be returned home safely. He added that he had sent a letter to a fourth person to join the group but said the person had not answered the baron's plea.   When asked about Count Lebrim and the masque he was throwing, the baron said Count Lebrim Moldavia had thrown the masque to celebrate his inheritance of his father's title. The baron noted that the death of the former count, Fortuno Moldavia, was sudden despite his seemingly good health yet could not be certain if foul play was involved.   The baron said both he and Baroness Elenore had been invited, but state business prevented the baron from attending the masque. Despite any worries regarding his wife going without him, he sent his wife only out of duty to the newly ennobled Count Lebrim, Count Fortuno's only son and heir to his title.   The group asked the baron who traveled with the baroness. Baron Rennet said she traveled to Moldavia Manor escorted by four personal and trusted guards and a carriage driver, who was also a trusted servant. Three of the guards rode upon horses while a guard sat next to the carriage's driver. Despite rumors of bandits plaguing travelers along the barony's roads, Baron Rennet was certain the four guards could provide the baroness ample protection.   The three agreed to help the baron. In return, Baron Rennet offered each of them 100 gold pieces in gratitude for their loyal service to him, his wife, and Tanistan. He also had Baudelaire draft a writ of authority granting the three horses from the keep's stables as well as granting them safe passage throughout the barony.   ***   The ride to Moldavia Manor took up the entire day but was fortunately uneventful despite the threat of bandits waylaying travelers along the road.   After the sun had set, the group was forced to light a torch to allow them to better see where they were going. Signs along the road offered clear directions to the manor.   However, when they arrived at the estate they found the place dark and seemingly deserted. A lone horse, free of its bit and tackle or saddle, wandered near the manor grazing near sickly trees.   Tall windows were visible upon the dark manor. Mold and moss collected along the manor's exterior walls and under the eaves. A set of closed double wooden doors carved with ravens facing each other offered the only visible entrance to the single-storied manor.   Two other buildings, much smaller in size, lurked along the tree-covered paths to the side and behind the manor. A dark pond next to the manor rippled in the chilly wind. Low clouds gathered overhead blocking any moonlight.   The three dismounted and walked towards the manor.   As they carefully approached it, they spotted a thin crack of light appear inside one of the front windows but it suddenly disappeared as if a curtain was briefly opened and drawn closed immediately after.   At the strange sight, the three adventurers began to wonder about the safety of the baroness...
Session played on April 11, 2020
Plot type
Adventurers:   Bruno the Battlebard (Male Human Bard)     Nip'hto the Tiptoe (Male Elf Ranger)     Tanjarra Greysword (Male Human Monk)
Five Spears Hold by Unknown

Cover image: by Chris Cold’


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