Seeker Character in Legacy of the Realms | World Anvil


No one knows where Seeker is from. Even he doesn't know it since something apparently happened that caused him to forget everything except his name and skills.     He was found in 1489 DR by an aging human male Shou named Hiu Aing while on a walk not far outside of the town of Red Larch. Hiu, a hermit who was known for his curative ointments and salves, took in the strange 'golem' who seemed harmless enough. Hiu soon realized that the 'golem' had a natural skill at herbalism.     People think Seeker may have been a wizard's construct that escaped, but no one is certain. The townsfolk, once they realized he was harmless enough, gave him the name "Seeker" since the construct was trying to discover where he was from.
Seeker is played Jonathan R.


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