Goblin Allies Plot in Legacy of the Realms | World Anvil

Goblin Allies

Played on April 13, 2019     26 Flamerule, The Year of Twelve Warnings (1494 DR) The Sunless Citadel, Neverwinter Wood     As everyone considered climbing down the circular shaft using the sickly-white and gray vines clinging along the shaft’s edge, the aged, hunched-over female goblin shaman standing next to Durnn slowly made her way to the party to speak with them.   The shaman introduces herself as Grenl, adviser to Durnn. Grenl whisperee that Durnn and his three hobgoblin guards have usurped control of the Durbuluk tribe and Grenl hated Durnn for that. The ancient shaman asked the adventurers to slay Durnn. In return, she offered them whatever was inside the locked iron chest resting in front of Durnn’s throne. In addition, she offered the party free passage into the grove level below and safe passage back to the surface once they have slain Belak, the Outcast.   The party agreed to Grenl’s terms and attacked Durnn and her three hobgoblin guards. The battle was easily fought with no one suffering any injuries at all. Ahroheim even got a good shot in against a hobgoblin across the pit. It fell into the pit and struck the ground some eighty feet below.   Seeing its allies killed, the last hobgoblin surrendered and was taken captive by the Durbuluk tribe.   As promised, the party opened the iron chest using a key found on Durnn. Inside they found 231 gp and two onyx gems Ziri valued at about 30 gp each.   When asked about the four adventurers who had entered the Sunless Citadel some time back, Grenl said Belak wanted all the living human prisoners sent down to him, but in a fit of anger, Durnn slew Talgen Hucrele. Thus, Durnn sent only Sharwyn Hucrele, Talgen’s brother, and Sir Braford down to the Twilight Grove. When asked about the ranger, Karakas, Grenl said only three adventurers arrived in the area.   The group took Talgen‘s gold signet ring bearing the Hucrele family crest from the dead Durnn.   After talking to Grenl about descending into the Twilight Grove below, the group readied themselves to find and face Belak and rescue Sharwyn Hucrele and Sir Braford
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