Enter Ahroheim Plot in Legacy of the Realms | World Anvil

Enter Ahroheim

Played on March 1, 2019     26 Flamerule, The Year of Twelve Warnings (1494 DR) The Sunless Citadel, Neverwinter Wood     The eladrin sorcerer, Ahroheim, joined the adventurers after he was released by the kobolds after being deemed “inedible”. The adventurers then ventured deeper into the Sunless Citadel, fighting goblins along the way. Eventually, the group came upon the chief of the goblins, a female hobgoblin named Durnn. Rather than fight, the intrepid adventurers parleyed with Durnn who offered free passage into the lower levels in exchange for slaying the druid, Belak whom Durnn considers a threat to her rulership.   However, as the group considered climbing down the circular shaft using the sickly-white and gray vines clinging along the shaft’s edge, the aged, hunched-over female goblin shaman standing next to Durnn slowly made her way towards the group. The shaman introduced herself as Grenl, an adviser to Durnn. Grenl whispered that Durnn and her three hobgoblin guards have usurped control of the Durbuluk tribe and Grenl hated Durnn for that.   The ancient shaman then asked the group to slay Durnn. In return, she offered what lay inside the locked iron chest resting in front of Durnn’s throne. In addition, she offered free passage into the grove level below and safe passage back to the surface once Belak the Outcast is slain.
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