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Dwarfs can be divided into Mountain Dwarfes and Subterranean, being those that live above and below ground.  

Sub-Races (Superterranean)


Sub-Races (Subterranean)


=== Depth Dwarf ===

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.   Strong Nose. You have advantage on all checks or saving throws related to smell or gases.   Gas Creation. You know the Create Gas cantrip.   Learn more...        

=== Mere Dwarf ===

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2.   Natural Swimmer. You have a swimming speed equal to your walking speed. Once you reach 5th level you can breath in water.        

=== Song Dwarf ===

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.   Magic Hearing. You were born with the ability to hear ripples in the magic weaves. You can detect the presence of magic. Magical fields, items and other permanent instances of magic generally have a low ringing sound when inactive.   You can use your sense to try to discern the nature of the magic you hear by making an arcana check. While being able to give insight to many sides of the magic it is not as exact as the the spell Identify.   You may be able to discern such things as how long ago the magic was created, the type of magic and its strength. If you have heard magic created by the same source or person you might also recognize the caster.   If there are much magic on the same place there is always an risk of some of the magic drowning out other sounds, making it harder to detect magic and discern the nature of it.        

=== Earthwalker Dwarf ===

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.   Walk Through Stone. You can cast Walk Through Stone targeting yourself with a duration up to 1 minute. Once you reach 5th level the duration is increased to 10 minutes. Once you reach 9th level the duration is increased to 1 hour. Once you use this feature it cannot be used again until you have finished a long rest.

Civilization and Culture


The Descent

It was the year 2022 BP when a group of dwarfes from Brightshadow descended into the tunnels beneath Lavera to found the city Faturham in lake Starmere. These were the first subterranean dwarfs.     Around 1500 BP a number of things happened. Simer Darkedge became the Deepking and leader of Simerbright. The Quiet Ones started to appear, with Starmere being one of the first cities to encounter them.
Related Myths

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