Super Species in Lauthon City | World Anvil


"Super" is a blanket term that describes any individual with abilities that exceed the usual limitations of their species (by Earth standards). Supers have been present on Earth for a long time, but only in the past century have they been in the public consciousness. Recent advances in science have also resulted in more Supers with greater power than before.

Supers come in two categories: those born with their powers, and those that acquire them later in life. They come in all shapes, sizes, and strengths. Most Supers on Earth are humans, but a few aren't. These creatures are still categorized as "Super" since they still exceed the baseline abilities of the rest of their species.

The Symbiote is an exception. Since no other creature like it has ever been seen on earth, there is no way to know how it compares to other members of its species. It is therefore considered a Super by Earth standards because its abilities far surpass any of Earth's native fauna.

Inherent vs Acquired


Supers with inherent powers are those born with their abilities. They are the rarer class of Super. It is not known all the factors that go into play to create inherited Supers. If one of the parents is an inherent Super, their children are slightly more likely to be inherent Supers as well. They also seem to be more common in situations where their mothers are exposed to dangerous substances or other Superpowers while she is pregnant.

Inherit Supers have an infinite range of powers. Some have telekinetic abilities. Others can bend fire, water, or metal. Others can read minds, open portals, or shapeshift. The origins of an inherent Super's powers are not understood; they are all too unique for any patterns to be detected.

Exclusive Powers
  • Elemental abilities (summoning and controlling fire, water, earth, air, or specific chemical elements)
  • Teleportation
  • Advanced shapeshifting (multiple forms)
  • Telepathic communication
  • Mind reading


Supers with acquired powers gained their abilities later in their life. If a Super gained their abilities very soon after they were born, they are still considered an acquired Super, even though their experience is that of an inherent one.

Acquired Supers have much stranger powers than inherent Supers. They often have many powers that contradict each other, or do not relate to one another. Acquired Supers are created through many means, oftentimes involving powerful chemicals or technology. Spidergirl gained her powers when a Super spider bit her, granting her spider-like abilities.

The same event will not create a Super out of anyone. Only certain individuals seem prone to gaining powers. Some believe that acquired Supers are actually inherent Supers that have not yet had their powers "triggered" yet.

Exclusive Powers
  • Cyberkinesis
  • Lycanthropy
  • Vampirism

Can a Super be Created on Purpose?

There are a few edge cases where a Super was created intentionally. The Green Goblin is the most well-known example in Lauthon. However, since the mechanics that create Supers are so inconsistent, it has not yet been possible to easily create Supers on command.

There is another category of Super where the individual themselves does not have any noticeable abilities, but they have used technology to make themselves of comparable strength to "real" Supers. These individuals are usually classified as acquired Supers, even though they physically do not have anything special about them. A familiar example is Doctor Octopus, who built four extra robotic limbs that connect to her brain through a microchip. She is famously capable of coming toe-to-toe with Spidergirl, even defeating her at times.

Super Catalogs

In 2028, the United States Congress passed a bill that required all active Supers to be registered on a local catalog. This catalog allowed the State to keep track of who was capable of what. It also criminalized Supers that were practicing vigilantism. Uncataloged Supers are not permitted to apply for any government job, particularly law enforcement.

Cataloging is not perfect, and it is very easy for mistakes to be made and for Supers to be left out. Since there is not yet a foolproof way to test if someone is a Super, it is relatively easy for one to go undetected. Spidergirl has purposefully avoided all catalogs so that she can keep her identity safe from the corrupt forces within Lauthon. Unfortunately, this means that she commits multiple felonies on the daily, and is a wanted fugitive according to the law.


At the same time that the bill was passed, new Super divisions were created within law enforcement. These divisions organized the efforts of Supers that wanted to use their powers for good, while also minimizing damage to infrastructure and bystanders.

Lauthon's Super division is famously small and underfunded. They often happen to be just barely late for any dangerous incident that they would be needed for. This is almost certainly the work of the mob. Propaganda against Super divisions and corruption makes it even more difficult for Lauthon's SPD to be taken seriously.


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