Zion of the Blackfang Character in Launtrel | World Anvil

Zion of the Blackfang (Zz-eye-awn)


Zion is a very intimidating Leonin even to those who know him best. He is extremely demanding of the people in the Department of Secrets and has zero patience for excuses or failed missions. When an order is given, he expects the orders to be carried out without fail. His anger always seems to be boiling just beneath the surface, ready to be released. However, he does only let it out in normally appropriate times and takes the rest of his frustrations out in training. Because of his zero tolerance to failure, he is extremely interested in making sure that does not happen. Opting to frequently push aside his free time, he is always open to a training session or hearing out a thought process on a mission to help it along. Personal details about himself are not readily available, as he keeps his personal and private life strictly separate. 

Locations: The Atithe Center
Pronouns: He/Him
Alignment: True Neutral
Race: Leonin
Family Relations: Unknown

Zion is a very intimidating Leonin even to those who know him best. He is extremely demanding of the people in the Department of Secrets and has zero patience for excuses or failed missions. When an order is given, he expects the orders to be carried out without fail. His anger always seems to be boiling just beneath the surface, ready to be released. However, he does only let it out in normally appropriate times and takes the rest of his frustrations out in training. Because of his zero tolerance to failure, he is extremely interested in making sure that does not happen. Opting to frequently push aside his free time, he is always open to a training session or hearing out a thought process on a mission to help it along. Personal details about himself are not readily available, as he keeps his personal and private life strictly separate.

Character Location
Current Location
The Atithe Center
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