Fern Whitefeather Character in Launtrel | World Anvil

Fern Whitefeather


Fern is a very nervous but endearing Owlin. The position as the Director of Research for the The Atithe Center fits her perfectly well, as she much prefers spending time in her lab alone researching her latest subject or re-reading through their Library. Although she is shy, her competence as Director is not questioned and is respected to be one of the most intelligent people of Atithe. Problems going unsolved or leaving questions unanswered go against her very DNA and she will go to any lengths - such as losing sleep - to help at all costs.

  Locations: The Atithe Center
Pronouns: She/Her
Alignment: Lawful Good
Race: Owlin
Family Relations: Unknown

Fern is a very nervous but endearing Owlin. The position as the Director of Research for The Atithe Center fits her perfectly well, as she much prefers spending time in her lab alone researching her latest subject or re-reading through their Library. Although she is shy, her competence as Director is not questioned and is respected to be one of the most intelligent people of Atithe. Problems going unsolved or leaving questions unanswered go against her very DNA and she will go to any lengths - such as losing sleep - to help at all costs.

Character Location
Current Location
The Atithe Center
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