WorldEmber 2020 Plan in Lasair | World Anvil

WorldEmber 2020 Plan

First goals for WorldEmber 2020:

View my ongoing progress!
10K words hit on 11 December 2020!!

25K words hit on 30 December 2020!!!!

Completing these goals will produce roughly 5000 words. Once these are complete, I will total the actual wordcount, and drill down to determine the next goals! Right. So I completed the initial batch of articles on 21 December 2020. And I am at 18.3K words. This is well above my initial sketch plan of being at 5000 at this point. So this event has been a HUGE success for me. Now I need to think about if I want to push on to 25K...
  Update: as of 23 December 2020 I have decided to commit to reaching 25,000 words! With only needing to do about 6,500 words between now and the new year I feel like this is very achievable. I'm going to pick and choose whichever articles from the bottom section of this page seem like they'll either be able to be knocked out quickly or which will lend themselves to filling in many many words. Let's see if I can finish this up!    

Complete 500 words on each remaining primary region stub (1500):

Complete 250 words on each subregion stub (2000):

Complete 100 words on the following landmarks (500):

Complete 250 words on the following sentient species (1000):

Secondary Goals

These are items to complete after finishing the primary targets listed above. I am taking these as I feel without going into a specific order.

To-Do list items eligible for WorldEmber:

Subregions (target 250 words):
  • Korth'an Forest
  • Mina'Satie Bay
  • High Ice - COMPLETE: 500 words
Mountain Ranges (target 250 words each): Sentient Species (target 250 words each): Landmarks / General Geography (target 100 words each): Wildlife (target 100 words each): History (target 500 words each): Organizations (target 500 words each):
  • Senior Council of the Order
  • Taxation Guild
  • Korth'an Conclave
  • Mages - Completed after WE2020 - 2200 words


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