Ironwood Forest Geographic Location in Lasair | World Anvil

Ironwood Forest

A sleepy forest in the middle of the Savage Lands, the Ironwood Forest hides a few secrets from the Dragonscourge locked away. Considered haunted and sacred by the Orcs thanks to occasional undead risings and other supernatural-seeming happenings, the forest largely stands isolated from even the land it lays in.  


The Ironwood Forest stands in the center of the southern half of the Savage Lands, surrounded by the low grasslands of the region. Consisting of ancient, sprawling oaks, whose thick canopies let precious little light into the undergrowth, the forest is dark and foreboding. With little harvesting of lumber due to the Orcs' respect of the woods, it has stood as an enduring landmark for the Uruk tribes during their endless circuits of the Savage Lands following the herds.  


Though best known for their migratory cycles through the Savage Lands, Hornbeasts also will sometimes pass through the forest, chewing on underbrush as they stroll through the trees. Large, fanged Feline Predators prowl in small packs through the forest, sometimes bringing down a hornbeast but otherwise chasing deer-like beasts that are the primary wildlife of the forest. Spiders (ranging in size from hands-breadth to enormous 10-foot-tall monstrosities) set their webs in the ancient branches.   Some of the more terrifying creatures in the forest are the Harpies that populate the tops of the canopy of the forest. Mostly ignoring the parts of the forest under the branches, the harpies prey upon birds and small beasts that live over and around the forest. They're extremely territorial and will even swoop down upon the rare Orc if they have sufficient numbers.  


While the west coast of Lasair was not a major battleground during the Dragonscourge it still played host to a handful of encounters (while the Dragons did not view the orcs as a major threat they still attempted to eradicate them as much as the Humans and Elves). The most lasting marks left upon the forest (and the reason the orcs leave it mostly alone) are a number of temporal anomalies created by elven wizards' attempts at "locking away" a number of powerful draconic leaders through massive time-stop effects. As these spell effects gradually wear down over the centuries, they have released occasional waves of undead, thanks to the magic imbuing the fallen bodies of soldiers from those battles as well as those of dragons and their kin.   In addition, a number of ruins dot the forest. The remains of an elven enclave lay in the northern corner of the forest, mostly devoid of any artifacts worth notice but still sometimes causing a pulse of wild magic to create strange effects which give the whole corner of the forest the reputation for being haunted by spirits. And in the southern edge, crumbled Aa'sr Tower stands, the lower levels of a tower that was inhabited by an artificer hiding from the Mages influence as he pursued studies outside of their gaze.

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