Elven Masking Ceremonies Tradition / Ritual in Lanternal | World Anvil

Elven Masking Ceremonies

In each Elven culture (with the exclusion of Drow) exists the practice of creating and wearing personalized masks when they come of age. Elven masks come in many shapes and colors and encapsulate an Elf's expression of self in a long-lived culture.


After the collapse of the Empire of Mava'Valia the surviving elves of the preceding war spread across Elis, each its own faction with unique traditions. However, each faction inherited one specific ritual from their ancestral society, the practice of wearing face masks as penance for wrongdoing. As each new faction of elves blamed themselves for the collapse of the world they began wearing masks as self-punishment.   Over millennia this practice evolved from an origin of shame to a point of pride. The many elven peoples adapted and began developing traditions of crafting masks and drafting unique designs inspired to represent an Elf's personality.


Although the exact age differs from village to village, the average age for an elf to begin work on their first mask falls around their 17th birthday. in the months leading up to their birthday, a young elf will receive instructions from a tutor (usually an older close family member or friend) on how to construct their mask and traditional symbols and patterns. The final month before the ceremony, the young elf will plan and craft their new mask.   On the day of their auspicious birthday, a celebration will be had among family and friends that involves feasting and music. After greeting and mingling with their guests, the young elf will leave the event and go to retrieve their mask. When the elf returns they will don their mask and re-enter the event as an adult.


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