The Fens - Witch Country Organization in Lands of Legend | World Anvil
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The Fens - Witch Country

The Fens is the name commonly given to the swamp lands to the northwest of Rosalind. Unlike other nations in the Lands of Legend, it has no flag, heraldry or true army. What it does have, more than any other place on the continent, are witches.   The lands of the Fens stretch from the Blood Sea in the west along the Casta River to Allbridge on the Great Lake. Their southern boundary is the lands of Rosalind, while they reach the shores of the Blood Sea as their northern boundary.   Aside from small hamlets, the Fens have only one real settlement of any size. Cochford, the unofficial capitol town of the Fens is a rickety town that is built up on artificial hills of dirt and on stilts.


The Fens have either no government or many governments, depending on how broadly you view the term. Cochford is governed by a Town Council which includes Salimar trading clan leaders, Lizardfolk family elders, Human merchants, and witches. Outside of Cochford, the Fens are only governed in their particular enclaves by local leaders; the majority of the land has no true governance, and such can be rife with banditry.     However, the unofficial ruler of the Fens is the great bruja Baba Yaga. From her hut that walks on copper chicken legs, Baba Yaga roams the entire countryside of the Fens, making her will known. Among the witches, or brujas as they call themselves, Baba Yaga is unquestionably chief. The witch on Cochford’s Council, Madam Adrazelle, is one of Baba Yaga’s trusted and loyal lieutenants.


Fens folk are slow to trust, but once they welcome you into their company, you are as trusted as family. Fens folk wear a variety of clothing styles, often “borrowed” from other lands. Their music tends to be quiet tunes played on woodwinds and flutes made from swamp reeds or the unique bamboo plants that grow in the region. Trade is extremely important to Fens folk, due to the Salimar trading clans that populate the countryside.

Demography and Population

The Fens are populated mainly by Lizardfolk and Salimar, but Goblins, Humans, Fey, and even Treefolk can be found there. Of all the heritages, Karhu are perhaps least populous, as the humidity of the land and their heavy coats of fur are a bad combination.


The Fens have no true military. There are bandit gangs and even pirates that ply the Casta River, but no armed troop of any size. It is fear of the brujas of the Fens that keep them independent.


The Fens hold Metra, the earth mother, in high regard. Raya and Skeinor are respected, but not overly worshiped outside of small enclaves. Timmorn has a presence here, as Metra’s son. Fen folk also venerate elders from their villages or heroes raised into myth by their people.


  • Village of Cochford
Founding Date
Third Age
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Great Swamp, Witch Country
Fens folk
Head of Government
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


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