Odlarnas Rike - the Dinosaur Domains Geographic Location in Lands of Legend | World Anvil
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Odlarnas Rike - the Dinosaur Domains


Odlarnas Rike is a combination of rolling grasslands, rugged hills and small mountains, and small swampy salt marshes along the coastline of the territory.  Streams and creeks meander across both hills and savannas.  The border of the territory is dotted with stone towers manned by the Saurian Guard, warriors from both Carador and Erynland.

Localized Phenomena

The land of Odlarnas Rike is "infected" by the Dinosaur Curse - those who remain too long in the territory will find themselves slowly transforming into dinosaurs themselves.  While the process is slow and magicians have found methods to reverse the Curse, once it reaches the final stage the process becomes irreversible.

Fauna & Flora

Odlarnas Rike is covered with ancient grasses and scrub trees of a type not seen in other parts of the Land Of Legend.  Roaming over the grasslands, hills and plains are dinosaurs of many different types and species, sometimes alone, but more often in groups.


After the Betrayal Wars, the land that now encompasses the Dinosaur Domains belonged to the newly formed countries of Carador in the north and Erynland in the south.  Both nations settled the land with their citizens, and both trade and infrequent border raids became the norm.  Seaports on the eastern coast were founded and began to prosper.   Then from the west came a Lizardfolk Archmage.  From where he came excatly, no one can state for certain.  He is known as Slann, the Mad Lizard Wizard, but whether that truly is his name is unconfirmed.  Also unknown were his intentions in casting his epic spell.   What is known is that Slann cast his powerful spell, tearing open the fabric of reality.  The territory abruptly twisted and changed; the people and settlements disappeared and were replaced with herds of giant lizard-like creatures that Slann called dinosaurs.  What's more, a neverending Curse spread out from the center of his casting to the eastern coast and deep inland before losing its potency.  This Curse transformed any person who spent too long in this changed land into dinosaurs themselves.   What happened to Slann is not known.  Many believe that he succumbed to the curse himself and was transformed into a dinosaur.  Others believe that he lives in a tower in the exact center of the transformed world he had created.  Those that believe this are divided as to whether he lives contented with his creation, or whether he works feverishly to reverse the madness that he had wrought upon the land.   The land received its name from the great Elf explorer Allyn the Quatremand, who traversed the territory and ultimately fell victim to its curse.  Odlarnas Rike, in ancient Elven, means "land of large lizards." He observed that many of the settlements that had existed before the Curse were gone, replaced with stone ruins of civilizations that had never existed upon the Lands of Legend.  Since the transformation of the territory, hunters and others have made forays into the Dinosaur Domains, seeking treasure, great hunting, and glory.  Most find death.


The border of Odlarnas Rike is patrolled by the Saurian Guard, a collaborative unit of warriors from both Erynland and Carador.  They will warn anyone from attempting entry into the wilderness beyond their towers, stopping invaders by force if necessary.  Likewise, they prevent large predatory dinosaurs from breaking out of the territory and ravaging more civilized lands.

Shield of the Saurian Guard
Alternative Name(s)
Dinosaur Lands
Included Organizations


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