
There are many places where a person or organisation can get stones and rock, but if one wants high quality granite Millsten is the way to go, at least if you are in Lerra. Due to its closeness to Erion most of the stone used to build their defensive walls came from Millsten.


The dominant species in Millsten is human, with a few dwarves helping with their knowledge of stones and mining skills.


While there are a couple of permanent guards in the village, the village is not considered valvuable enough to be guarded more, particularly should war arrive.

Industry & Trade

Apart from mining the granite the village also has a lot of stone processing capabilities. These come in the form of stone cutters, sculpters and polishing.


The greatest asset in the village is the granit quarry that is capable of providing high quality granite. It is also one of the most striking aspects of the village and one of the first things that catches the eye when entering.

Guilds and Factions

The Stone guild is one of the biggest precenses in town. They make sure that the granite that is being mined of sufficient quality to meet the buyers demands.


Most buildings are a mixed construction of stone basement or base with wooden structures on top of that with wattle and daub walls.

Two of the structures are made entirely out of stone. The first is the stone guild building, and the second is a small construction around a sinkhole that opened up in the middle of the village during a storm.


The village is situated in the low hills south of Erion with the quarry essentially slowly digging away at one of the hills.



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