Laminarum "The Man from Nowhere" visits Uliyo

"The Man from Nowhere" visits Uliyo

Life, Supernatural


The encounter between Uliyo Feneyl and an unnamed elf.

After having (allegedly) seen to the deaths of his fellow Syndicate members, Uliyo was growing restless and quite unstable. His letters reflect growing anger with Nim, his fellow members of the syndicate, and feelings of alienation towards the gods. His handwriting became increasingly erratic as well.   His personal diaries, still preserved today, depict an odd sequence of events on this date. He first received nightmares of constructs and supposed visions of his rulership over a new kingdom, named Urale. He had access to magics, similar to what had been read about by the Yunbad and J'barri, but unique and superior. With these magics, he would build a fantastical city of steel and steam. A city that was an automaton in it of itself, functioning to serve its citizens' every need.   When he awoke that morning, he sat in his library of maps and histories, reviewing the geography of his lands and all of the strategic advantages it could provide. In this time, an elf of grey hair and fair skin approached him. He spoke in riddles, almost seeming confused. However, he spoke of the dreams which Uliyo had experienced. Believing that this man had answers to offer, he indulged the madness.   Slowly, the stranger became clearer in his presentation, eventually describing a way in which he could gain his independence. He presented Uliyo with a staff, which vibrated gently at the touch. Its head was that of warped glass, and when the glass was held near your head, you could see flashes even with you eyes closed.   The Stranger said that it was an artifact which held magics superior to that of the J'barri. He said that its power was parallel to that of the constructs, and by its power, he could claim his independence. When Uliyo asked the man what he wanted in exchange for the staff, he answered the following:   "To gain this staff, all you must do is take your action now. Not tomorrow, or the day after."   The power seemed almost a disgrace to the gods, but at this point, that pleased Uliyo. He heeded the Strangers word, and took action that day. The staff he acquired was named the "Waning Sceptre."

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