Laminarum Bourilia Opens Trade with Caripreet

Bourilia Opens Trade with Caripreet

Political event


The first formal trade agreement between the elves and humans after Ettermiddag, following an unprecedented population boom in Bourilia which resulted in the need of more financial avenues.

Harboring amnesty for the occupying Saltkrigere Empire, Caripreet sought to take advantage of its waters and trade abroad. Fortunately, they developed this desire alongside population growth in Bourilia that would lead the kingdom to seek out increased international revenue. Same as their neighbors, the people of Bourilia knew that Silse was a land of legend; while others on the continent wished to hoard and preserve this legend, Bourilia would take financial advantage of this.   Immigrating gnomes would be the first to forge communications between the two lands and would eventually form the backbone of trade ports at the edge of Silse. For years to come, the exchange of goods would suffice the needs of both people, as many scholars document the two lands as becoming "spiritually indecipherable from each other" while benefiting in the exchange of their native resources and technology.    Before long, it would be through Caripreet that Bourilia would expand its horizons to Kala, as increased shipment requests for southern resources were made by the J'barri nation. While the waters connecting the three are often referred to as the "Caripreet Sea," this agreement was the beginning of the three merchant nations dominating the central sea in nearly uncontested unison.

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