Laminarum The Saltkrigere Meet the Tara-Jhen, imprisonment

The Saltkrigere Meet the Tara-Jhen, imprisonment

Discovery, Exploration


The first meeting between the Saltkrigere ground troops and the Tara-Jhen, which would soon become an alliance.

Within the center of the Marsh, the Saltkrigere continued searching for the Strand-Bloods, having found small bits of evidence. A carving (made by nonhumans) that depicted contact with people, a doll, etc.   It was during this travel that the Chieftain of a Tara-Jhen group had begun spying on them. It was, in fact, a member of the same group that had come to communicate with the Strand-Bloods. They remembered bits and fragments of the language, which served to assist them in their spying. Before long, the troops were cornered on the edge of a deep marsh lake, the eastern lands bordering the Marsh of Thiff. The Tara-Jhen became comfortable with descending upon them, blocking off any escape. The Saltkrigere were well trained, but with that came the knowledge that they held no torch to fighting in these lands compared to natives. They made clear their surrender, before being taken prisoner and moved to the city of Thiff itself.   As always, the Saltkrigere had a plan to escape should anything go wrong, but for now, they allowed themselves to be at the behest of their captors. The Chieftain had them taken to his quarters, where they were shocked to see that the leader of the group was the same that had been out hunting them. Their captor, Jelil Tevena, spoke in the few bits of their tongue that he knew.   He asked them about their (speaking of Abbot II), and what knowledge she had shared with the Naga-Tel. Through much discussion, the confusion was clarified, and they made clear that they were no friends of the Strand-Bloods. Though they remained as prisoners for some time, the groups were able to learn much of each other. They shared the common belief that the Strand-Bloods were bred from deceit itself, and that if any evidence of their existence should exist, they could work together to resolve it. Further, however, when hearing of the snakefolk, the Saltkrigere thought they may be capable of undermining the Strand-Blood Prophecy.

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