Laminarum Vestergil Summons the Icelend Dwarves

Vestergil Summons the Icelend Dwarves

Gathering / Conference


The summoning of the Icelend Dwarves by Vestergil. While they were intended to assist the good people of Trinen against the new plight of Milin Orphi and Epithet, many of them betrayed their new cause to join the raiders.

While their history and religion dictate that they were forged by their gods of ice and earth, it was Vestergil that summoned them to fight. this worked due to his immense power and close proximity to them, but they were less than thrilled to obey a heavenly being that didn't align with their culture. They did respect Onothis, but he was far and silent on the matters of Trinen. This lack of adherence to their cause resulted in many of them betraying the wishes of Vestergil and joining the raiders, who benefited their chance at survival. This unfortunate turn of events would be the first entry of dwarves to the global lexicon of Laminarum and it plighted their lineage for generations to come.   Luckily, those that fought and followed their cause came strong, defending Fjordstrond and Eldurgrund against Epithet as best they could. They ended up having good relations with the scattered Marsh Orc (on both sides of the conflict) which led to some of the greatest military creations to this day, such as ballistas.

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Icelend Dwarves
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History of Laminarum