Homage to the Wishing Well Tradition / Ritual in Laminarum | World Anvil

Homage to the Wishing Well

The Homage to the wishing well is a once in a lifetime observance for those who follow Snow-Rock Bailumism, though other humans are allowed to visit the region as well and take the same blessings without needing to convert.


This tradition was started by The Islands Five after putting Narfi Whitefinger's Haseti out of power. It served to strengthen a sense of nationalism for their history and invoke feelings of spirituality towards the Wishing Well and the church as a whole.


Any humans that follow Snow-Rock Bailumism will perform this practice. People that live in small towns usually only worship one or two gods, so it is truly only performed by people in Shellbay kingdom or the Snow-Rock Isles.


It has no set date, it only must be done once in a person's lifetime. It is usually a large family event, so everyone can get it done at once.
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