Ferrehet Character in Laminarum | World Anvil


Patron God of Conquest

Ferrehet is the Patron God of Kala. Her domain is that of conquest, and she demands that her people take what they want by force. Under Ferrehet, one does not farm. One does not share with outsiders. One does not lose their resources to trade. Those of Kala are expected to hunt and take, which explains why they were so overwhelmingly involved in the Yunbad-J'barri Conflict


As the patron god of conquest, Ferrehet promotes a range of traditionalist ideologies. Tithes to Ferrehet are typically forms of seizure, originally considered to be in the form of territory. Any land taken by force is consecrated under her blessings and benefits from better food, weather, and natural defenses. As society developed, she altered her expectations, allowing the seizure of specific property (also by force rather than theft) within her domain. Legends say that items taken by force could become endowed with her blessings as well, making them as influential as fire magic-forged weapons themselves.  

Cultural Influence

Ferrehet is still present in various J'barri religions but is generally considered outdated. Due her ideas influencing the Yunbad-J'barri Conflict and leading to The Mountainfold, many are hesitant to dedicate their behavior to her image. In the centuries following the Yunbad genocide, Kala became invested in globalism and merchant endeavors, further leading to the abandonment of Ferrehet in broad culture. While she is the patron of Kala, the nation finds itself turning to the transactional ideals of J'tsan and the peaceful teachings of Riiji.   Ferrehet tends to excel in both military endeavors and times of social unrest. Uncertainty often leads to fractured factions dedicating themselves to Ferrehet and attempting to instill her ideas into the cultural identity of their land. Revolutionaries have a conflicted relationship with the patron of conquest. While they know that her domain will help them succeed, they often wish to avoid looking militant themselves, as it appears barbaric in the otherwise refined Kala.

Ferrehet and J'tsan: What's the difference?

J'tsan and Ferrehet are often considered similar. It is true that both of their ideologies have led to conflict and have been heavily legislated as a result. However, J'tsan tends to lead to internal struggles while Ferrehet followers create problems for others.    In the context of J'tsan, "proving" does not refer to proving oneself through acts of war. Instead, acts of proving are to prove some intrinsic value (performed in dedication to J'tsan). Intensive fasting, creating great works of art, climbing the tallest mountains, surviving in harsh conditions, or any test of one's unique skills.    Ferrehet only desires acts of conflict and seizure. She desires territory and riches dedicated to her. Her followers need to prove feats of strength and fearlessness as proof that they are valuable servants.    When observing the difference between the gods, it's important to note that none of the Kinnet Eti hold any relation to one another. Each one is the figurehead of a monotheistic religion that was later forced into a pantheon after globalization. The values instilled by each patron were tailored to the J'barri of the original three tribes.


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