Cacophonetics Language in Laminarum | World Anvil


Cacophonetics is a complicated language that few mortals know and only a handful have mastered, most of whom have already passed away. It is believed to have been invented by Milin Orphi himself in order to communicate with his most loyal subjects. The language is as difficult to understand as it is to learn, meaning those that know it mostly use it for rituals rather than actual communication.   Due to its crux of discord, the language has no consistent grammatical or spelling rules. It relies heavily on context and gestures. Some say that one's "spirit" guides the language, by pulling the "inharmonious notes" of the speaker's measures and turning them into a "discordant melody" that attuned listeners will understand.  


The language is steeped in both elvish and human culture. While the language has been used by Milin Orphi and any demons/devils devoted directly to him for an eternity, mortals only came to know the language during Ettermiddag. The elves that first made bargains with Fíkn Catar were first acquainted with the language, and it was the elvish connection to Melifi that allowed them to learn cacophonetics so easily, as Melifi's "great rain" that tainted a small portion of "all things" created under the umbrella of Saaurithale. These dark waters are theorized to be connected to the discordant melody or synonymous with them. While the waters are a part of all things within Laminarum, the elves understand the cosmology behind it the best, making them a perfect vessel for the languages germination among mortals.   Some believe that the use of the language caused the eventual formation of the dark elves, with the dark waters rising to the skin after repeated summoning by use of cacophonetics. The Ithitar-touched would have their internal discord strengthened, allowing their demonic designs to fester over generations. While the language tainted their past, dark elves and Ithitar-touched are not known to be master of the language today, though they may be more adept at speaking Ithitari.   As we understand it today, the language is even difficult for full-blooded Ithitar, be it the small nameless footsoldiers or the strongest and well-known masters of domains. Shockingly, even the Inutherin aren't all capable of speaking the language. The lawful among them are incapable and the chaotic sparsely use it (with Fíkn Catar and Chal Churdour being the only fluent speakers). In scripture that focuses on Milin Orphi depicts the devil as refusing to teach his language to any individuals with independence of thought and desire from himself. He only teaches the language to the infernal underlings that make up his own legion.


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