Sulfuriel Sylren Character in Lamiel | World Anvil
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Sulfuriel Sylren

A Tiefling with a tale as tragic as it is remarkable, Sulfuriel Sylren is known for her cheerful disposition and playful mischief despite the hardships she has faced. Standing tall at 182cm and weighing 68kg, Sulfuriel's appearance is marked by her light purple skin, long blue hair usually worn in a braid, black eyes, and the characteristic tail and hooves of her race. A permanent limp, a reminder of a past encounter with a goblin, does little to diminish her spirit.   Originally from a nomadic Tiefling family, Sulfuriel's life took a dramatic turn when she met and fell in love with Reilam Sylren, a Half-Elf noble from Vinberg. After a romantic but disastrous outing that left her with a lasting injury, Sulfuriel chose to settle in Vinberg. A daughter, Faith, was born from their union but was taken in a tragic orc ambush that claimed Sulfuriel's life.   In a twist of fate, Sulfuriel was revived a decade later through a demonic pact made by Reilam. This pact, a secret shared only between them, has tied their fates together once more. Reilam also orchestrated the return of their daughter, Faith, from her adoptive Goliath family, Gundar and Þorveig.   Presently, Sulfuriel resides in Vinberg with Reilam and Faith. Despite the peculiar circumstances of her life and motherhood, she remains committed to her family's safety and happiness. She is trying to catch up with her loved ones and make up the lost time away from her beloved husband and daughter.  


Sulfuriel Sylren

Wife (Vital)

Towards Reilam Sylren



Reilam Sylren

Husband (Vital)

Towards Sulfuriel Sylren



Date of Birth
30th of Candala 1347 SA
Year of Birth
1347 TM 32 Years old
King's Road, Eastern border of Middle Sorewenian Kingdom
Reilam Sylren (Husband)
Current Residence
182 cm
68 kg
Laurel, God of Deceit and Trickery


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