House Sylren Organization in Lamiel | World Anvil
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House Sylren

Established in the year 1346 of the Second Age, House Sylren has rapidly emerged as an unexpected player in the Atreshian Empire. Their noble status was granted by the Empire in recognition of the extraordinary military service of Ellander Sylren. His important role in subduing an elven rebellion in a newly conquered region of the Duchy of Eralenor solidified House Sylren's standing as a loyal and dependable ally to the Empire. At the helm of House Sylren stands Duke Ellander Sylren, a decorated war hero whose sharp wit and valor on the battlefield have earned him the respect of the Empire. Ellander's wife, the graceful Amitrine Sylren, is a pillar of support and a beloved figure among the people of Vinberg.   Their eldest child, Reilam, is a figure of interest for his heroic role in halting the demon invasion of 1373 and founding a renowned demon and monster hunting company. Reilam's tales of valor, though occasionally exaggerated, have added a layer of intrigue and respect to his reputation. Reilam also has a wife called Sulfuriel, and they have a daughter Faith, who was rescued from a marauding band of Orcs after nearly ten years of separation.   Aimarela, the younger sibling, resides in Veriadena, the capital of the Atreshian Empire, and is known for her sharp intellect. A respected member of the Institute, her knowledge, and insights are widely sought after, further elevating the status of House Sylren.   The coat of arms of House Sylren features a proud stag atop diagonal stripes of green and white, symbolizing their loyalty to the Empire and their deep connection to the vibrant lands of Vinberg. Their motto, "Loyal to the Last," is a testament to their unwavering allegiance and commitment to the Empire.   Despite their widely respected loyalty, House Sylren's rapid rise to power has led to whispers of opportunism. Their strategic alliances and quick accumulation of wealth add a layer of complexity to their reputation.   The wealth of House Sylren comes predominantly from the lucrative trade of timber and hides in Vinberg. However, their extensive connections within the Empire underscore their influence and power.   House Sylren has so far managed to steer clear of significant scandals or controversies, maintaining a steadfast reputation of loyalty and service to the Empire. As they continue to navigate their relatively new status as nobility, the traditions and values they establish will undoubtedly shape the future of House Sylren and the city of Vinberg.

Loyal to the last

Founding Date
1346 SA
Geopolitical, Great house
Ruling Organization
Family Leader


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