The Kantele of Valtamerimies Myth in Kytheria | World Anvil
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The Kantele of Valtamerimies

Creation myths abound in the world, with variations between even groups who live in close proximity to each other. The People of the Bear are no exception, and Valtamerimies' kantele is still found from time to time ten thousand years after the strings were first plucked.   At the dawn of time, from the period of fear and chaos that swallowed the stars as the world of the gods burned, Kytheria awoke naked and cold among those same stars. She took the oceans from her dead sister, the world of the gods, and cloaked herself in mourning. Then she set about seizing the Seven Forces of Chaos that ran amok among the heavens and binding them to restore order to the stars. The first she seized was Mitätön, who had declared that distances and travelling was meaningless. As Kytheria bound it into one single string its absence left behind the concept of space and gravity, so Kytheria could dance around the sun and the other planets resumed their course. The second was Hiljaisuus, who stole breath, and as Kytheria bound it into a string its absence left movement and energy. The third was Tietämättömyys, Eater of Wisdom, and Kytheria bound it into a third string so that its absence would leave the flourishing of knowledge and growth. The fourth, Sieluton, made all around it empy until Kytheria bound it into a string and its absence let souls flow where they would. Fifth was Taikuuden Puute, who threatened Kytheria's work and the work of the gods making her Girdle by unmaking; it became the fifth string and its absence allowed the gods their artifice. The sixth string would be fashioned from Eripuraisuus, who perverted all that was said or sung around it and in its absence music aligned with the cosmos and the cosmos in turn became aligned. The last would be tricky, for Kuolema was as powerful as its opposite could be fragile, and needed a place to grow. Kytheria could not destroy or transform Kuolema, but she could banish it, and in it's absence Life flickered and nearly went out. Kytheria took it within herself to nurture within her own womb, and this final act allowed all the others to proceed normally.    From this union, Valtamerimies was born into the world, a man full grown and filled with the knowledge of his mother and father. As a birthday present Kytheria gave him the six strings she'd bound together in the form of a kantele. Vlatamerimies' tales and exploits are long and still sung today, but the powers of his kantele let him shape the world, guiding trees and grass to grow, sheep and wolves alike to flourish, and people to learn how they might honor their great Mother while nourishing themselves from her bounty. Though mythical, a powerful kantele does make itself known from time to time, often when the People of the Bear face a great threat, and every story about the instrument talks of incredible magics being summoned forth- and also of the inevitable death of the player. The kantele has not been seen for a thousand years, but as the Empire encroaches even on the northern most reaches of the Northern Continent, diviners throughout the lands of the Bear have begun receiving premonitions, and its time may come soon.

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