Merchant Kings Organization in Kyrn | World Anvil

Merchant Kings

Merchant kings they are called and, in their lineage, back to elder days, maybe some could claim a thimbleful of noble or royal blood. There are dozens, even hundreds who work the ways of costermonger along the empty and wild tracts bringing goods from far reaches to the markets of Kyrnia. Only seven carry the title of Hansgraf.   To rise to such a position as Hansgraf takes grit, determination, a healthy supply of smarts and luck. Commanding dozens upon dozens of guards, hundreds of subordinate traders, their hands, supplies, trade goods, the entertainers with animals, usually numerous exotic apparatuses, families, and a bevy of camp followers spread across a mile or more of road while traveling amid bandits, wild tribes, and monstrosities the likes of which turn sleep to nightmares is not a life for the feint of will or heart.   While Hansgraf may not wield the powers of landlocked nobility or the wealth of posh financiers, these adventurous souls, with an adept logic, drive the prices for nearly every marketable good. Furs of the Frostyearn fetch the highest price in Oradua but only as the fall of the year begins to turn. The wheat of one district produces a more desirable kernel. The wine of another region is favored only after it has aged. These unfolding stratagems and secrets of commerce never remain true for very long and only the truly gifted stay ahead of the whims of the patron’s purse.   Twice annually, the Hansgraf convene a fair outside the city of Quara to discuss the prices of all the many goods, negotiate routes, and elect a Drum Major. The Drum Major is usually the most successful Hansgraf for the preceding 6 months and has the privilege of beginning the negotiations over routes and settling disputes. Not all fairs result in an election nor do all Hansgraf attend every fair. At least 4 of the seven must be present and those absent are obliged to abide by decisions made during the festival. Obligation does not always, in turn, provide a Hansgraf will abide a particularly harsh penalty dealt to them by a rival but it is frowned upon and honor is lost to those that willfully askew the obligation.   The culture upon the caravans varies widely and often those who travel with a trusted Hansgraf are loyal to a fault. Each troupe carries with it a wide variety of goods, services, and entertainment. And while trade is a competitive business, caravans often combined into larger troupes for common defense. The Hansgraf’s authority is supreme while traveling, often serving as judge in the more sparsely populated areas of the realms. Within the reach of true authority, these leaders quietly bow the laws of the lands they travel.


Grettle Kettle, a frumpy and tubby halfling man in his 40s, has been the Drum Major for 12 seasons, almost three years. And as Drum Major with the choicest routes, Kettle also commands the largest caravan. Almost two full circuses, at least three sets of troubadours, and nearly 100 wagons, the halfling has quite the enterprise to maintain and defend. Kettle’s primary rival is Pearlesque “Pearl” Fulhan, a human female possibly in her late 50s or older. Pearl has no conviction about offering a fair deal if there’s a way to make coin off the gullibility of another. She had been Drum Major previously but with her demotion, her caravan sits at less than half Kettle’s and only ranks 4th for size among the 7 legitimate Hansgraf.   Lungren Ael and Lungren Uel are brother goliaths, 35 years and 48 years respectively, who sometimes caravan together and other times compete. Both are staunch allies of Kettle but also likely the halfling’s literal fiercest competition. The caravan they run when combined is the second largest.   Faralon Gripenfeiter, a mere 26-year-old half-elf, has the distinction of being the most treacherous of all the Hansgraf. Nearly disavowed all together, Gripenfeiter is rumored to have fled his caravan with a small guard while those left behind were slaughtered by bandits. The rumors are quite true but his story involves a harrowing battle that left he and his comrades separated from the others until all hope was lost. Since losing his stake, he now commands a small 5 wagon caravan that he promotes as guards for hire to those wishing to break into mercantile under his wing of protection. And while his reputation as a notorious mountebank may not be too terribly well known, it is suspected that crime rates rise when his troupe of traders roll into town.   Gregor Dellroy, a human of 67 years, pulls the second largest caravan if the Lungren are running separately. He’s known for a steady head with a gift for numbers. He’s soon to enter retirement, turning the reigns over to his daughter, Velda Dellroy, an easy to look on 36-year-old. She may not be as handy with the numbers but she makes up for the lack with a boldness that many could never muster.   Aeronik Xiloscient, an elven Hansgraf reaching into his almost second and a half century, runs a caravan as an extreme outlier. His trade is lucrative but small and he usually only manages a dozen or less wagons. Before Gripenfeiter’s downfall, the elven merchant had the smallest ensemble.
Guild, Merchant


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