Gul'drak Species in Kyrn | World Anvil


The Gul'drak is a fearsome beast found in the Frostfell Forest.

Basic Information


Gul'draks are griffon-like creatures with the body of a snow leopard and the head and wings of an owl. Gul'draks are covered in white fur with brown, black and gray markings in the shape of irregular circles across their bodies. The feathery wings are mostly white, with some markings in brown, black and gray as well. The paws of the gul'drak are large to help distribute weight on the snow of its native lands. The head is able to rotate like and owl's, and the beak is a razor sharp 6 to 10 inches long. While the read portions of the gul'drak are slim and seem a little undersized, the front legs and shoulders of the this beast are enormous, both with muscles to propel it through the air, and to ponce and kill its prey.

Biological Traits

Gul'draks are though to live about 18 years. As they age their markings fade so that the older gul'draks are almost entirely white.

Genetics and Reproduction

The gul'drak is usually solitary in nature, but it does seek out a mate for reproduction needs in the late winter into early spring. Once it has mated, it retires to it's den, or cave,and hibernates through the late spring, summer and into early fall. When the female emerges from the den in the fall, it usually has one cub, but on occasion it will produce two cubs. Although gul'draks do not form bonds between the parents, it is not unusual for the same pair to mate or more than one occasion.

Growth Rate & Stages

Gul'drak cubs reach maturity within two years, and then leave their mother to live their solitary lives, and seek out their own mates.

Ecology and Habitats

Gul'draks are native to the Frostfell Forest although they can also be found in other nearby forests and mountain ranges. Gul'draks hunt from the air most of the time, but are also know to stalk prey on the ground, or to lie in ambush along trails through the snow.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The gul'drak usually hunts and consumes large mammals such as deer, and wild boar that can be found in the Frostfell Forest, but it also will hunt the gnomes of the region. Once a gul'drak has eaten, it usually will not hunt again for several days.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Native to the Frostfell Forest, the species has extended its range into other nearby forests and mountain ranges in northern Kyrn.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The gul'drak has excellent night vision and hearing which it uses as it hunts to great effect.
18 years
Average Height
4 to 5 feet at the shoulder.
Average Weight
160 pounds for a male, a little less for a female.
Average Length
10 feet


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