Altenmeir Peninsula Geographic Location in Kyrn | World Anvil

Altenmeir Peninsula

The peninsular of Altenmeir is the southern most extension of the Principality of Drent . It is entirely a tropical rainforest with a sandy coastline, and very little in the way of harbors. The rainforest is full of large predatory animals making the interior very dangerous for visitors.


The land of the Altenmeir Peninsular is flat with only a few small hills in its interior. The coastline is sandy with some places having significant dunes, especially on the eastern coast. While there are no major rivers in the located here, there are numerous smaller rivers that flow out of springs located within the interior to the coast. These small rivers are not navigable by large vessels, but small rowboats, rafts and canoes can usually travel the waters.     The peninsular is most noted for its thick jungle that covers the land stretching almost to the water's edge. The jungle has much flora not found elsewhere, and it is known as a habitat for large carnivorous fauna that are considered very aggressive and dangerous.
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