Galtar Settlement in Kyrælm | World Anvil
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Galtar (ɡôl(t)ər)

Galtar is a town at the base of Mt. Samekh, in the nation of Froenia. The settlement sits only a short distance from Verden Lake and is little more than a logging village, populated by woodsman and fishermen alike. it's central location makes it a frequent stop of trade caravans.


Hunam: 75% Halfling:10% Dwarf: 5% Gnome: 5% Other: 5%


Governing Council of Elders - A group of officials selected by the village through an informal election. The village pays taxes to the governing nation, Ayonore.


The settlement is only approachable from one direction, all uphill. A wooden pallisade surrounds the wall, and unlike many small villages, the guard is trained by an experienced combatant.

Industry & Trade

Galtar is centrally located within the country, so acts as a stop for many trade caravans. Many goods are imported, and fish is the main export.


Watermills, farms, one bridge over the river, and a dock holdign the fishing boats that float upon the lake.


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